Help for confirming short transcription of a Vermont town record (1802)
I am a French Canadian and I would be very grateful if someone could confirm the transcription I made of a Vermont town record. My main problem is the abbreviations used. I am not sure what they mean. Thank you! - Diane Tourville
Here is it:
Page 191 - top of page
City of Vergennes April 5, 1802
The following accts. (accounts?) having been exhibited to us the
subscribers as overseers of the Poor for the year past,
and we having examined the same do allow
To Wm Smith as p. John Arnoux R...? paid for
the support of a Negro Man / a pauper named Newport $4.75
To Gideon Spencer as p John Arnoux R...? paid
for Support of said New Port 2.50
To Samuel Davis as p. also paid
John Mason for the support of sd. New Port 7.00
To Belden Seymour for sundries as p. (...?)
furnished Wm. Frank 7.63
Best Answer
Okay, I really lost it here! I did not catch that the text was English. So sorry! I thought I understood from reading your note and the transcription but clearly I missed that the document was English. Forgive me! I did see that it was in Vermont, but thought that was why you needed help with it. Okay, let's reset this whole conversation!
I'm pretty sure the p. on each line is "per" a/c = account and it is also abbreviated "acct"
So your transcription would change like this:
Page 191 - top of page
City of Vergennes April 5, 1802
The following accts. [accounts] having been exhibited to us the
subscribers as overseers of the Poor for the year past,
and we having examined the same do allow
To Wm Smith as p. [per] John Arnoux Rect. [rector] paid for
the support of a Negro Man / a pauper named Newport $4.75
To Gideon Spencer as p [per] John Arnoux Rect [rector] paid
for Support of said New Port 2.50
To Samuel Davis as p. [per] a/c [account] paid John Mason
for the support of sd. [said] New Port 7.00
To Belden Seymour for sundries as p. [per] acct [account]
furnished Wm. Frank 1.68
Diane, the best place to request help with translation would be in the France Genealogy Research group. That said, perhaps @Charlotte Noelle Champenois can check your transcription here to confirm its accuracy. Future translations are more likely to be seen by those who can help if you put them in the groups related to that country/language. (see the Groups tab on the top menu)
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Thank you very much @AnneLoForteWillson for the answer. In fact, I do not need a translation at all, I just need help for the abbreviations used in that extract, because I'm really not sure what they mean. As a matter of fact, I was not sure where to post my request, as it was not a translation :-/.
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Yes, best place would still be in the France Genealogy Research group as there are folks there who have the language and geographic research skills you are looking for. Sorry, translation would be a general term for all of this language stuff. You're right, you asked specifically about the abbreviations. That would still need someone skilled in the language and probably research as well. I did miss the French Canadian.. so will also mention the Canada group as well as there may be folks there who can help if the abbreviations are peculiar to that country.
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@AnneLoForteWillson Even if the text is in English and it is a document from Vermont? Is there not a US Research Group then?
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Thank you so much! I shouldn't have mentioned I'm a French Canadian, it was too confusing! :)
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Glad to help!