Old vs new Family search

Please don't make the new look for Family Search permanent. The old one is much better. The new one looks stark and the menu on the right side for other websites is too large. The old version looks much more friendly and works fine. If it ain't broke, don't fix it!
I find it much easier to work on the old version! The new version, while (I admit) I will eventually get used to it, is just not what I am used to. The new version is almost too fancy and slick to do anything other than learn about the person (which is great, I know).
But I guess my point is I would like Family Search to keep the previous version available for longer than just early 2023. Forever, perhaps.
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I agree with the above opinions on old vs new.......The new just is not a fast working sight and hard to navigate when working fast. I love the old version where everything is framed off so your eye goes right to the framed area. The new version doesn't you have to make to many clicks to get you where you want to see info and my eye tends to wander. I have tried to use the new version to get use to it and it physically makes me sick. Not organized very well like the old version was and is. Could we somehow have the old version stay. I have been able to share and do thousands of name to the temple with the old version. I am so afraid that this version will put me on great hold!! Please don't ignore my pleadings!! I love the old version and I love geneology but I am going to be frustrated and sad for the changes. I have seen test runs in the past that haven't worked with the family search sight and this is one of them. The frame work of the old version is much better and every thing lined up with not going back and forth on the detail page. you could look down the page with the persons info and then marriage and then children. The new version is back and forth and I liked the marriage info in the middle of the couple which joined them right there, not under them. I am not a tec person but I know what works!!
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I agree completely and wish we could have the old version too or still!!
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Whilst I accept it is a fait accompli the old version will disappear next year, I am still working with it most of the time, and will probably continue right up to the last minute!
I know the new version has several improved features, but I just remain uncomfortable in using it - especially when I'm trying to work quickly (though carefully, of course). I just don't need the distractions of the new graphics and page layout when I feel so at home in making my changes and additions on the old.
I could illustrate the differences that mean it is not currently working for me, but most users are only too aware of the contrasting layouts and have already decided which they prefer working with.
I'd always prefer a comfortable, old, battered pair shoes over a smart new pair that pinch my toes, so I find difficult to walk in. Not a great analogy, but it just reflects my feelings over all the recent page changes in FamilySearch, which have not made my work easier. (Graphics "too bold", too much white space and the need to reduce the page size to display the same content that could be viewed in the previous versions.)
So, I, too, will be very sorry to lose the old pages.
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I've gotten more comfortable with the new version, and I use it most of the time now.
@TALH perhaps you are not aware - there is a group dedicated to sharing what is working and what is not on the new page. The developers are active there, and they are making improvements based on user feedback.
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I want The Old version back , new version is too slow & too hard to move around