Need help identifying Place (Bogon) in Belarus/Russian Empire in 1910
The ship manifest records that my great grandmother came from "Bogon". I have records that show she grew up in Scigane - where her family had been for years. I have not yet found where her husband is from - which is why this is important. Looking at the usual places, I can't find "Bogon", "Bogoh", or "Rogon".
Any ideas?
please provide a map link for the area or the cyrillic name for the town that you know of, I don't quite see what place could be called Scigane
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Thank you.
Today, it is here:
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Bogoh or Bogon doesn't make much sense in Russian since Bog means god and any longer names that would start with Bogo- (meaning something like "to god") would have a bigger second part, at least a few more characters long like Bogorad (glad of god) or Bogomol (one praying to god) etc. The immigration records are not very reliable when it comes to names or places because from what I saw they would be written down by officers having no knowledge of cyrillic alphabet and/or not used to the Russian names.
Places I believe were written down after immigrants would tell where they were born and since place names are a much greater variety than people names, they could turn into something completely different. Here I have a theory though because in the very same document it's spelled with -h and -n that could be because the place name was copied from Cyrillic writing, maybe a document that the immigrants had. In Russian there is a word Ворон or ВОРОН in caps which as you can see could easily turn into Bogon or Bogoh at the border. The problem here though is that this means "crow" so there are hundreds of places starting with these letters but again they'd usually be longer, Voronovo, Voronye, Voronki etc.
Nearby the place you've provided there is one Voronovo, a town a bit northwest from Lipnishki. Here it is on the 1910 map:
Other options to looks for any nearby place would be to just manually look around on the same map starting from Scigany: hoping that the husband is from the same area rather than all the way across the country several thousand kilometers away
Also you can go to and try to find something there, in Oshmyanski uezd for a start
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Thank you for your insight and suggestions. I also appreciate the links to the maps.