Using a Macbook computer, how to display list of projects
Good day to you,
I have a Macbook computer I recently purchased. When I go to Get Involved, and go to Indexing, I select Intermediate Projects. Only four New York land records projects names appear. The bottom projectg listedonly has the top two lines. The bottom part iof gthe project information is not there. I am not able to scroll down and see the other four projects.
However, at the top of the page it indicates there are eight projects. Does anyone have a way to fix this problem on my Macbook computer?? I will very much appreciate your help. Sincerely yours, Dave Putnam Jr.
When I check Intermediate English Projects- on Windows 11/Chrome browser - I currently see 9 available - with the first being Illinois marriages.
I find the following instruction may be helpful to display a scrollbar on a macbook: