SourceLinker & 1900 US Census Issue - Can't Link Doubled Person

I don't know why Frank Moll is doubled on the record but after I unlinked one of them incorrectly linked to his daughter, I can now link neither of them no matter how I change the primary person focus. At least I get the Compare button but they are nonresponsive.
Best Answer
No idea why it is refusing to work for you. But what I would try is closing the Source Linker, going to Franklin's page and trying to attach the hint that is certain be there.
Regarding the duplicate copy that is lining up with his daughter, that is due to an ongoing problem with the 1900 census in which entries in a family will be replaced with the name and information of the head of household even though it is for another family member. If you go to the source record for Frank here: you can see that Frank is listed as head of household, and twice more as a "child" in the family. There is not much to do about that until the engineers fix the problem once and for all.
Thank you. From my experience, it sounds like the ongoing 'head of household' issue is affecting my ability to link those specific records. Pure speculation I know. Thanks again.