How to move ‘memories’?

Several years ago another user merged two different families. Then attached sources and memories.
I’ve restored the profiles as they were before the merges and can deal with the mis-aligned sources and info but what can I do about ‘memories’? eg. son Charles A (correctly restored to family A) who now has memories that belong to Charles B.
Best Answer
Memories do not actually reside on a person's page. They are in the gallery of whoever uploaded them then are simply tagged to a person in Family Tree to display it on that person's memories page.
To be sure you don't completely lose a Memory, I would do the following.
- Go to Charles A's Memories page
- Click on the thumbnail of an incorrect memory to open its page.
- In the top right in the People list, you will see "Click the Image to Tag People."
- Click on the image and add a tag for Charles B. This will add the memory to Charles B's Memories page.
- In the People list, you will now see Charles A and Charles B
- In that top right box People, click on the arrow next Charles A's name to expand that entry.
- Click on "Detatch From Family Tree." This will remove the photo from Charles A's Memories page.
(If you detach first and accidentally leave the page, you will not be able to get back to the memory unless you uploaded it and it is in your Gallery. That is why you should add the new tag first then detach the incorrect tag.)
Thanks Gordon. Simply and clearly explained.
I've been working on Family Tree for years but never really bothered with memories.
The only problem I had was with step 4. Clicking on the image did nothing. I tried two different machines and Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers. Nothing. It did work OK on the app.