Create a cross reference data base for common names of Royal Families and Native Ameeicans
I keep running into contributors and researchers stumbling over one anothers work by having the same person but choosing which name goes on the tree. We need a genealogy fruitbearing society language we can all easy connect the American titles with their true names that we would find on records. Royal Ancestral and Native American Lines are well documented and I have found them to be most frustrating. There are now fictional characters for some one the well know lines for example the Choctaws and Folsom line and Choate and Cherokees.... These are suppose to be descendants of Great Chiefs, but as to what name to correctly use to have solid sources, we seem to be getting further from our goal. Same with Kings and Queens and it comes down to their American name we read in books connecting this with the true name on records so we can have birth records in our source box. An idea to connect that is adding a space on our family charts that has their American name and legal name as it appears in their country followed by the ID number and birth and death year. The name cross reference is not as easy to find on the internet as you would think and if we were to change it without providing both options, someone would change it so they would see King _____ . They don't have Americanized names, but an American wants a family tree that they know what they are looking at.