Read Only
Hello-profile LZPF-8WC is marked as "Read Only". The profile needs to be merged with profile LD91-3SZ.
Can someone please assist?
Lfarrier. We are looking into this merge for you.
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lfarrier. We are sorry to say this merge is not possible. Thank you for using FamilySearch Community.
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You might be surprised to find no reason being given as to why FamilySearch is unwilling to consider your request. Perhaps even SL Terry (a forum moderator) was not provided with one, either.
We cannot request IDs to be made read-only, but I believe it is purely at the discretion of FamilySearch as to whether a record can be unlocked. I cannot find any real consistency in why certain records are locked, but others (of a very similar nature) can be edited. As seen from your example, if one record is locked, why not the other? Obviously, it follows if a record is locked (read-only) it cannot be merged with another for the same individual.
All seems very odd to us "ordinary" users, especially when the idea of FamilySearch is to have one ID / record per deceased individual. There are examples where these exceptions do seem valid, but there seems no logical explanation in this case, and many others.
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@Paul W-
Thank you for your message. Yes, I'm sure FamilySearch has their reasons. If you look back in the change log, there are some interesting comments-
- Relationship Deleted, Sep 18, 2016: "DELETED IN ERROR TO BULLY OTHER PATRONS"
- Earlier the same day: "FamilySearch was never intended to be used to bully the rest of us patrons."
- Different user, earlier, same day: "continous corruption by christinehollister that wont let the same merge happen over and over! Reported for abuse"
However, FS should still be able to merge the two ID's without unlocking LZPF-8WC (especially since LD91-3SZ remains unlocked).