Robert Arnold Nattress KWH3-CS4
There is a problem with Robert Arnold Nattress KWH3-CS4 Birth after Marriage. I have tried to find the problem but the only answer I can come up with seems to have to do with a Marriage in Elko Nevada. The red exclamation point gives Birth after Marriage, but the search screen does not pick up a complete year for the Nevada Marriage. I could not find anything that I can do about this so I would be very happy if you're techs could take a look and see what they can find.
Thank you
Ellen Larsen
Best Answer
An important fact that is often overlooked is that all dates and places in Family Tree are entered twice. There is the Display version which you read on the screen and the Standardized version that is linked to the Display version but is a form that the computer can use for all calculations.
The Display version can include information that adds to the accuracy of the data but which is meaningless to the program, such as adding a day of the week to a date or a named feast day to the date.
Sometimes the correct Standardized version is not properly linked to the Display date and that trips up the program. That is what happened here.
You can read that Arnold married Martha 14 July 1978. That is the Display date. However, if you hover you mouse over that date or if you open the editing box, you will see that the Standardized date is 14 July 0197, which is long before Arnold was born.
This tends to happen if someone is typing fast or if your internet connection is slow and the date is entered before the proper Standard has a chance to link.
To fix this, just open the editing box for the marriage date, click in the date field and type a space or the downward arrow to open the dropdown menu then choose the correct standard of 14 July 1978 and Save.