Transfer from family tree to Ancestry

How can I transfer more data than just 4 generations at a time. I know how to transfer a few generations at a time and is there a way to use a third party to transfer something like a gedcom file generated from family tree file.
You can use Family Tree Maker to download a branch. There are other products, too. Check the Solutions Gallery -
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Family Tree Maker as mentioned by @Áine Ní Donnghaile is the best I have discovered so far as it allows you to download descendants of ancestors up to 99 generations (which should be adequate!). Other programs I have looked at only allow ancestors (plus siblings and spouses of siblings) and descendants. Of course, if you do not wish to download your cousins then most programs will do the job.
Having downloaded your tree into a software program, you can export it as a GEDCOM file and then upload it into Ancestry.
If you want to merge the downloaded tree into an existing tree on Ancestry, you will need to download your existing tree from Ancestry into your tree program, merge the new tree from FamilySearch into it, and then upload as a new tree into Ancestry or sync it with your existing Ancestry file. I can explain in more detail if you wish.
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You can put the first person in Ancestry. Then click the "FamilySearch" icon at the top of the page. You will first connect the two people. Then click on the "FamilySearch" icon again. Click "Add Relatives." This will give you the opportunity to add up to four generations, depending on what is in FamilySearch. You can continue doing this until there are no more generations to add. Unfortunately, children and spouses have to be added individually. This is an alternative. You can also click "Compare" if you have ancestors in FamilySearch and Ancestry and move information between Ancestry and FamilySearch easily.
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I imported the four generations of my FamilySearch Family Tree into an family tree, but I see no FamilySearch icon on my screen. Where is that icon so I can connect individuals? Are they already connected if I imported from FamilySearch? I just see no icon at the top of the page.
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The icon you need is on the left of the section in the top right hand corner of the person profile screen in Ancestry. It is the tree poorly highlighted in yellow.
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I am trying to find a copy of Family Tree Maker to buy. Does anyone know where I can find one? And...thanks to everyone who has responded to my previous inquiry and given me your great ideas.
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Family Tree Maker is a current software program. Ancestry sold that branch of the company several years ago. The current provider is
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I believe the Family Tree import tool shown above by @Graham Buckell is available only to Ancestry members who have LDS-sponsored accounts. I do not have that tool.
I use RootsMagic 8, the no-cost basic version.
- In RootsMagic open a new file.
- Import from FamilySearch Family Tree, starting with any PID and specifying how many generations of ancestors and/or descendants to include. If the tree is very large this import can take hours. Plan when to start it so you can allow it to run as long as necessary, be patient, and let it run without interference. Don't do it on a Sunday night.
- Export the tree to a GEDCOM file.
- On upload the GEDCOM.
The most recent tree I copied from FamilySearch to Ancestry included about 1200 profiles.
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@dontiknowyou is quite correct to say that the ability to link between Ancestry and FamilySearch is only available to Church members.
The route suggested that works for non-members is as outlined and as mentioned in my post of 6 October.
As stated in that post, based on the programs I have looked at, Family Tree Maker is the most flexible for downloading from FamilySearch but Rootsmagic and some others do a good job with their free versions whereas you will need to buy Family Tree Maker.
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@Graham Buckell does FTM gracefully handle extracting an ancestors tree then also extracting the descendancy trees of all the ancestors?
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Thanks, @Áine Ní Donnghaile. This is a task where the no-cost essential version of RootsMagic8 hangs up.
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Yes, FTM is the only program that I know of to allow the download of descendants of ancestors in one go. All others I have looked at only allow ancestors plus siblings.