multiple similar events on couple relationship page
Would it be possible to add a preference checkbox to the events on the couple relationship page, similar to setting a preferred spouse on the person details page? I have seen several instances where another researcher has added a marriage date that conflicts with what I found. However, that entry, which I believe is incorrect, is the one that shows up on the details page as the marriage date. Rather than delete the other person's entry, I would prefer to be able to select the entry to be displayed. See person #9SXF-B45 for example.
This would be a great comment for "Suggest an Idea" which is found at the end of the list.
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I've only taken a quick glance, but this looks to me like several individuals of the same name are being confused. I actually don't see an incorrect marriage date, but I see the situation where someone living in Louisiana may have trouble popping back to France for a quick wedding. The only real confusion of marriage date may be the banns date vs the ceremony date.
It is very kind of you, bobgreiner1, not to delete other people's work, even when you think it wrong. I also take that tactic. The last thing I want is a screaming banshee breathing down my neck, which I have had only once (and it wasn't even me who made the error). I prefer to let people notice two possible situations, and I actually like it when I see that. I also will put comments in individual events in Vitals or Other information to indicate what I think a problem is.
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Thank you both for your comments. @Gail Swihart Watson My issue is not that the marriage date is incorrect [although I'm sure that can also happen], but that the date and place are not in "standard" format, and the place could be more specific. I'm not sure which event would be chosen to be presented in the couple relationship if there were multiple events with different dates. Again, a reason to be able to set a preference.
Actually, in this case Joseph Engelhardt did return to France and remarry - twice. His first wife died in New Orleans following their 1851immigration. I believe he immigrated again in 1878 to St. Charles, Missouri with his third wife.
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You are free - and encouraged - to standardize the format of the date and place.
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@bobgreiner1, the couple relationship area always shows the event with the earliest date. If there are two events entered with identical dates, then I believe it displays the one that was entered into Family Tree earlier.
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OH!! Well, the standard format is a huge issue. I have made a decision not to enter that fray any more as I believe there is not a standard correct answer. I have different situations in ancestors where different rules appear more prudent to me, given extreme situations.
One of my ancestors had an incorrectly indexed marriage license, and somewhere around 1820 the happy couple popped out of Knox County Indiana to Knox Atoll, Marshall Islands in the Pacific for a nice beach wedding, (and private honeymoon since that island remains uninhabited to this day) and then popped back to Indiana. LOL. The index was not editable, but now I now look for that stuff in other records.
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There have been a number of similar suggestions over a period of many years. For some reason, FamilySearch engineers have apparently decided that enhancing the Couple Relationship area (including the ability to select the preferred date / event from, say, a drop-down list) is not one of their priorities.
Unlike the other "vitals" (related to birth & death), marriage / relationship details are kept in a "lower layer" and, as you have found, one needs to click on "Edit" before much of the hidden detail is revealed.
Let's hope the wider issue will be addressed one day, but it is certainly a long time coming.