How would YOU improve FamilySearch Memories???

The FamilySearch memories team is currently looking for feedback on how people use FamilySearch memories and how they would like to use FamilySearch memories to guide us in designs going forward.
Please take the following survey if you would like to provide feedback.
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These are some of my ideas about improving FS Memoires
These are my comments that I will post
One of the most long standing requests related to FS memories is being able to sort items that are hooked to a FamilyTree Profile.
I think that makes sense – but I think many people miss the point that even if you can do that – you may not have control over setting titles, dates and other sort parameters on items created by other peopled – so I get the sense even with this feature – people will still get frustrated that item cant be put in the order they want or have control over. I think this is now available in new person page.
2) 1000 item Limit on album
The albums in FS Memories currently have a displayable limit of 1,000 items. I really wish that would be bumped to like 4,000 or so and then prevent people from loading more than that into a single album (there is no point in adding it if you cant see it in the album).
To me this is a blatant flaw that needs fixing.
3) FIND UNTAGGED ITEMS on Memories FIND screen
I wish there was a way to look for items in the general Memories collection (not just my own – but the general FIND option to all memories) where by I could set an option to look for items that are not person-tagged. This option is only currently available when searching my own items and not other people’s.
I also wish I could find items created/added after a selectable date,
4) What is the point of Archive???
Archive – If someone can give me some good practical use of the “archive option” that cannot be handled simply by creating an album(s) – then maybe I’ll agree to keep it – but I personally don’t see the need for the “Archiving” option. I wonder if it was created even before “albums” were created. But with albums I don’t see the need for any special category of “archived”
I wish that Familysearch would default certain basic TOPIC TAGS
Based on some simple rules (that doesn’t require expensive AI technology) things like Surname Topic Tags – based on who its linked to. Location Topic Tags by the places of births/deaths people linked to It. etc
Allow deletion of items -- even when accessing via an album -- and not just when you are selecting an item from the gallery.