Search Records links on FamilyTree person page

While volunteering in my local Family History Center, a patron used the FHC portal to access While exploring in FamilyTree, he clicked on the Ancestry link under Search Records on a person page. That returned several results of interest. However, when he clicked to view a record, he was told he needed to login to Ancestry to see the record. The patron does not have an Ancestry account.
Why do the links on the person page reflect the fact that the user has accessed the application through the portal? It seems like when a person is in the FHC and is able to access the records at one of the partner sites, the links on the person page should recognize the fact that the person is logged in. Why can't the links on this page use the portal to access the applications?
Have you seen this comment by Ken Richins - NAO Tech Support Lead regarding an update to the extension for portal access:
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I don't think that answers my original question. When on a person page, if a FHC patron clicks on one of the partner applications on the right of the screen to search records, the patron is not automatically logged into the library edition of that application. Instead, the patron is asked to login to the application. If the patron does hot have an account for that application, they cannot see the resulting records. They would have to login separately through the portal and re-enter the information for the search.
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I am not connected with FamilySearch.
There was a post from October last year, which may or may not still apply, which I think is about what you are asking.
genbug08. Family History Centers FamilySearch Community [Forum] 14 October 2021.
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Thank you for your suggestion @MaureenE123 . It looks like that might actually work, providing that the recent changes to the person page have not altered the landscape. I will have to give it a try when I am at my FHC next week.
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I am over our Stake Family History Center. I spent several hours on the phone with support staff recently attempting to do exactly what you are commenting on. It is no longer easy to get to those "premium" sites. I was told to ignore the sites listed on the right of the person page. You need to go to the Family History Portal, making sure that the circle on the top right is green, then go to "view sites" to choose which one yo want. Sometimes you will need to cut & paste the individual's name. It is a process, and not an easy one for sure. It used to be much easier. I was told that it is a "work in progress". Jill Hardy
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I have also noticed that if a patron is moving from one site to another, you often need to go and reset the portal from the extension. It is a pain but hopefully something that will get fixed eventually.