Scrolling problems with messages

How many people getting frustrated and confused with the scrolling problem and reporting it - will it take before the Engineers actually fix the issue????
it is really annoying - and the vast number of users aren't even aware of what is going on . . . because it is not always obvious at first. it is impacting most all users who use messaging.
PLEASE ESCALATE this issue to the managers again.
this just is not an acceptable level of service.
Hi Dennis,
This issue has been escalated.
'Messages' is undergoing a big development at the moment and it is unlikely the programmers will take the time out to sort the scrolling problem before it is launched.
Meantime most users have been able to scroll using the wheel on their mouse. We recommend you try this. Hopefully it will allow you to use message scrolling for now.
Thank you for your patience.
It will all be worth it in the end.
Kind Regards
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a very large portion of FamilySearch users - HAVE NO WHEEL to use. . .
most users are just getting confused - because in many cases it's not obvious there are more items to see on the page. Or some people, when they see a message truncated -- just think something with their computer is messed up.
and there is nothing at all intuitive that people should be using their mouse wheel (for the users that happen to have one)
only those few people that make it here to the community find out about the mouse wheel option,.
99% of the rest just get confused and frustrated,
and virtually all FS users are affected - because it impacts messaging. (so that really is MILLIONS of users impacted - and getting a bad impression about the quality and use-ability of the system.)
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The workaround that I stumbled across was to select some text and then extend the selection off the bottom of the page. That caused the hidden messages to scroll upwards into the viewable area.
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still not fixed?? and still millions of users getting frustrated over this issue.,
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Hi! Sounding off about the message section problem here… I’m stuck in the message section, working with another researcher. He’s using a Windows PC, I’m on an iPad. I can’t read his messages (no problems with other members) because my screen doesn’t fit to accommodate his messages. I know the problem isn’t my device or my screen because I don’t have problems reading messages from others. However, To read his messages, I have to advanced the cursor forward using any key (the period) until the other side of the message appears on the screen.
Can someone please ask a programmer to help us here? I’m sure this isn’t an isolated problem. Countless others may have given up and abandoned their work. Private messages won’t work for us because we need access to the records, sources, and profiles to finish our conversations. We message back and forth numerous times a day.
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@NadineBoydston, see moderator Evibb's post above. Read the other posts for a couple of workarounds for the time being.