Can we please continue to receive Announcements?

Looking through the Community categories I regularly use (Family Tree, Search, etc.), apart from the posting of the Revised Code of Conduct item, there do not appear to have been any new "Announcements" since March.
These (announcements) should be an important part of Community - used to provide updates on specific collection issues and known bugs. Posting one would have been of great help in connection to the recent source linker problem. It could have prevented a great deal of duplication of (separate) posts, as well as providing any updates regarding the issue being worked on / resolved.
If there are issues that appear to be affecting a large part of, or the whole community of FamilySearch users, it would be most appreciated if the moderators could raise an announcement to keep us informed / updated. This could be closed once no longer relevant - as illustrated:
Thank you for posting your thought about announcement postings in Community where all can see it.
We recommend that you post it also in Suggest An Idea which you will see in the column of categories to the right of this post, at the bottom.
Our experts and staff look at that chat frequently and so do many of our Guests.
Thank you and all the best with your Family history work.
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The idea has already been "adopted" - i.e., an earlier suggestion has already been acted upon, so it is not a suggestion. The problem is that moderators (well, those who have the authority) are choosing not to post Announcements regarding current, known issues.
For example, it could have saved a lot of separate posts being raised if a "senior" moderator had placed an Announcement (to stick at the top of the relevant category page) regarding the recent source linker problems. Why couldn't a moderator have followed N Tychonievich's example, as illustrated above, and possibly saved a lot of inquiries?