TIP - Learn to use these time saving short cut key sequences

Some tips on how to use CTRL Key combinations while using FamilySearch
(especially helpful inside FamilySearch is the ZOOM IN and ZOOM OUT)
(Hold the CRTL Key down with your left finger - and while continuing hold it down to tap the next key with your right finger.
CTRL + . . . . . (ZOOM IN)
CTRL - . . . . .(ZOOM OUT)
(that was a dash or minus sign on that line above)
CTRL C . . . . COPY a select set of text
CTRL P . . . . PASTE a selected set of text
CTRL Z . . . . UNDO
what is your favorite CTRL Key sequence?
Note that all of these are OS-specific: only Windows computers have a "control" key.
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If we are talking macOS-specific and even more specifically Safari, my favorite short cut key sequences are those I create myself using the Text option under Keyboard settings:
I just type .1801 to get "in the 1801 Norwegian Census" or . cn to get "Digitalarkivet of the National Archives of Norway. Online database. Transcription of census record" or .sir to get "Scanned version of microfilm copy of original parish record. This is the record which was the source for the two FamilySearch indexed records which are also attached as sources which state 'No Image Available.'" It really speeds up entering reason statements and sources. I've even used it for more complex place names that are not fully in the standards database. I have not hit a length limit yet.
I think there are extensions or utilities for Firefox and for Windows machines that can be installed that will do the same.
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Although many of your "tips" are really appreciated (especially this one, for me with my Windows OS), they are not really "General Questions" are they?
Problem is, the place where they are best suited to be placed (https://community.familysearch.org/en/group/70-familysearch-tips-and-tricks) requires a "group membership" for participation, as well as being little known by most Community users.
It would probably be better to move this category here, instead of it being hidden away under "Groups".
In fact, whilst on the subject of "Groups", why still retain the "Family History Research" and "FamilySearch Family Tree" groups, when questions (currently being) posted there would be far more likely to receive a response if posted under one of the "main" Community categories (detailed under "Categories" on the "Community Home" page)?
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So I guess the question is:
On a MAC is there a way to Zoom IN an Zoom OUT - just like on Windows?
TIPS: Answers to questions that haven't been asked recently - but helpful to many people.
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Those are all very basic key combinations dating back to the very first Apple computers which did all of these using the Command Key (⌘) and still do. I think most Mac users would automatically think Command when a Windows users say Control.
Macs do have a control key now, but it does different things like open menus or is used on concert with the Command and other keys.
The Safari browser has a number of keyboard shortcuts that work with any website, including FamilySearch, which are referenced here:
One I use a lot is Command-F to open a Find box for the page.
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so you are saying CTRL + (Windows) and Command + (Mac) do the same thing?
also note - in your prior post you say "referenced here" - - with nothing following . . ..
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Whoops! Forgot to include the link: https://support.apple.com/guide/safari/keyboard-and-other-shortcuts-cpsh003/mac
Yes, as far as I am aware, the Windows CTRL+ is the same as the macOS ⌘+
Microsoft followed Apple's lead and assigned the same shortcuts to the CTRL key that Apple developed for their first Mac operating system using the Command key, at least for the basic ones people use every day. There is a nice bit of history in this article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/everything-you-always-wanted-to-know-about-keyboard-shortcuts/
I'm sure the more complex key commands are different in that they do tasks specific to the operating system.
And in case you do want to know everything about all the macOS keyboard shortcuts and compare the basic ones to the Windows versions, here is the full list: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236