Page not fully indexed

Someone left great notes so I could find this census page but I am not sure why it was not fully indexed. Here is the citation link and image "United States Census, 1880," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 24 December 2015), New York > Orange > Monroe > ED 21 > image 21 of 33; citing NARA microfilm publication T9, (National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., n.d.)
The Grifin family is indexed then it skips to Eliza Conklin age 6 and completely misses her parents and 6 older siblings. I could not find a place on the indexed page to report this so I am placing it here in community. Would be great if this could be fixed, or reindexed.
Cindy Hecker
As Julia pointed out to someone who raised a similar (missed entry / entries) query earlier, FamilySearch never does appear to fix / reindex projects once they are online.
Have you known this to happen in cases where just an odd entry (or even whole page) has been missed?