Report Changes for Temple and Family History Callings • FamilySearch

Report Changes for Temple and Family History Callings • FamilySearch
As temple and family history leaders and consultants, you help bless thousands of lives on both sides of the veil, and family trees are flou…
Can someone explain why stake temple and family history leaders don’t have access to the FHAR? We are serving in a BYU-Idaho Married Student Stake with several spouses of the stake presidency and high council serving as stake Temple and Family History consultants. Every Sunday they hold meetings with students and access to the FHAR would be very helpful to them.
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Please check out this Help Center article that shows which leadership callings have access to the FHAR:
What callings can access the Family History Activity Report (FHAR)?
Stake consultants should obtain the FHAR report from either the high councilor over Temple and Family History or a member of the stake presidency.