Attaching Records when Name is different
I have a case where the children are recorded on a census with their mother, stepfather and half-sibling. Issue is they are recorded with the Stepfathers LAST NAME. So When I go to attach the census record to them I am unable to as the system keeps thinking they are 'NEW' kids. HOW do I go about attaching the census records to them correctly?
Source Linker can do this correctly, but it may take some convincing. I suspect that it's trying to add new children because the stepfather is currently the focus person, and there aren't any matching children under him. Try changing the index-side focus person to the mother instead.
If all else fails, you can try changing the index-side focus to one of the stepchildren, and then using that child's profile ID to select the correct person for the tree-side focus.
I'd be happy to explain with screenshots and specific steps, but it'd be easier with a link to one of the relevant census entries.