Error Report - Auto Standardization - Stord Clerical District changed to Valestrand Cemetery

This is one of the earliest reports I made elsewhere in the community but I've decided to repeat it here just to make sure it is still on the list and to point out another fundamental error the auto standardization routine made when just blindly taking the first entry in the Places database.
Here is an example:
Contributing to this error is that the original place event of Stord, Valestrand, Hordaland, Norway was erroneous. The parish register this record came from was for the clerical district/municipality of Stord, Hordaland, Norway, which contained the three local parishes of Stord, Valestrand, and Fitjar (see: ). The original indexing did not include the local parish, only the clerical district, so the original place name should have just been Stord, Hordaland, Norway. If that had been right, things would have been fine. Also, Valestrand was contained within Stord, so if the original place name would have been Valestrand (which is incorrect anyway, this child was christened in Fitjar), the name should be been Valestrand, Stord, Hordaland, Norway.
But back to the auto standardization. Putting Stord, Valestrand, Hordaland, Norway in the Places database, one gets, as expected from evaluating other errors:
In which the chosen auto standardized place name for these birth records is the first name on the list, completely ignoring that the place type for that first entry is Cemetery.
The routine really should have made a check again place type to avoid this type of unfortunate error.
The correct auto standardization for these records is actually third on the list.