Possible transcription errors on KWC6-H3M and KWZ1-NHY

If you search in the 1950 census for Burton Larsen you get Burton Larsen born 1909 in UT and his wife Iona born 1911 UT. But the records are tied to Burton Jenkins and his wife Iona Jenkins. With the same vital data. If you look at the original record you will see that there is a Larsen family not Burton and directly below it is Burton Jenkins family.
whoever sees this entry tell me your opinion and what can be done about it?
The household was misindexed, yes: if you look at the image, you can see that this census page has Russell Larsen, his wife Marion and two daughters, and Burton Jenkins, his wife Iona, and five children. I have attempted to correct the index, but it keeps getting hung up on applying the corrected surname to the rest of the Jenkins household, and doesn't show my supposedly-saved edit on Burton. I think that's why it's simply attached as-is to the correct profile in Family Tree: whoever did that gave up on making the correction to the index.
The takeaway for FamilySearch is that index corrections are not working on the already-published parts of the 1950 census.