FamilyTree without an account

Sometime ago; I found
This website can be used to view details about a deceased person in FamilyTree without requiring a login account. This is great; since many family members are interested in viewing this data; but many are reluctant to create an account which requires entering their email address.
Although the ancestors website has links to other related persons within FamilyTree; all of these links REQUIRE an account to proceed. What is the point of this? Can this be changed so the ancestors website can be navigated by visitors without an account?
The Ancestors database has only a tiny fraction of the profiles on Family Tree. When the attached other person has no page on Ancestors, the link goes behind the (free subscription) password wall to Family Tree. This of course brings more potential contributors to Family Tree.
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Not true! Visit this page for Helen Yaeck
Click link for father and you are asked to create an account.
Instead; HOVER over the link to see father's identidy code is 9Z3N-4XB
Ancestors page for her father DOES EXIST; yet visitor is prompted to create an account in order to see that page.
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When I click around on Helen's page, I go to an Ancestors page for Josephine, Marie, and Henry George, but not for Joseph, Charles, and Harold Joseph. Not sure what the problem is for the father and the first two children.
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@fbax, the existence of a PID (the seven-character alphanumeric string) doesn't say anything one way or the other about the existence of a public version of the profile. All profiles in the tree have such an identifier, and I believe the public version can be generated "on the fly" using it. They just haven't gone and done so with every single profile.
If you try to look at a relative and it asks you to sign in, you can write down the ID and type it into the address bar of your browser, in place of the ID that's there and whatever text comes after it. That'll take you to the (newly-generated, never-before-seen) public version of that profile.
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@fbax, I can confirm what you are seeing, that the father in the family does have an ancestor page that can be accessed directly but cannot be access from his daughter's page.
One thing to be aware of, is that if any changes are made that should effect an ancestor page, the do not show up for about two or three weeks. I may be that the ancestor page for the father at: was created less than that and so the daughter's page has not been updated yet with the link to that page.
So try again in a month and see if you can click in Helen's page and go to the ancestor page for Joseph. I suspect things will work just fine then.
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@Gordon - the page for LVWM-BCV was created in 2015 with most recent change made in Jan-2022. This is certainly longer than the 2-3 weeks you suggest waiting.
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But what you cannot tell is when his Ancestors page was created. If you did something to trigger the creation of that page yesterday, like try to view it, that will not show in his Family Tree change log.
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Here is the portion of the directory of Ancestor pages that covers this family:
You can see that Helen is in the directory but Joseph is not:
I haven't checked everyone, but it appears that anyone you can click on on Helen's page and go to an Ancestors page is in the directory. Those who have pages but are not in the directory have the sign-in popup. Everything should work as it is supposed to after the directory updates which also is probably only done every few weeks.