finding 3-digit death place on Washington Death Register
I am working on US, Washington—County Death Registers, 1881–1979 [Part C][MSY1-7V3]
The place of death is three digit and according to instructions should to the right of the name. I know that the digits before the name are the Soundex representation of the last name. The 3-digit columns on either side of the gender are not always the same so one might be birth place and other death place, maybe? which column should I use
Best Answer
Hi @Asalyn! Thanks for sharing your batch code.
Your batch is like the example 4e in the What To Remember About this Project Instructions. The form was used in 1960-74.
The first set of number is the one you should use since it is the occurrence of death site and the second is the residence of the deceased which would be ignored. The social security number field on these should be either Yes or No. The field helps, accessed by clicking on the purple question mark, tell us not to mark the field blank.