Set Up a Filae Account: Find French Records with Free Latter-day Saint Access • • FamilySearch Blog

Set Up a Filae Account: Find French Records with Free Latter-day Saint Access • • FamilySearch Blog
A Filae account provides access to French records for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Learn how to get started!
Hola, no puedo asociar mi cuenta de FamilySearch con la de Filae. Quisiera saber si hay algún motivo especial por el cual no lo pueda hacer. Desde ya, muchas gracias, saludos!
Google Translate - Spanish to Englihs: Hi, I can't associate my FamilySearch account with my Filae account. I would like to know if there is any special reason why I cannot do it. From already thank you very much, greetings!
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Please check out these Help Center articles:
How do I register for an account with Filae?
How do I connect an existing Filae account with my Church account?
Google Translate - English to Spanish:
Consulte estos artículos del Centro de ayuda:
¿Cómo me registro para obtener una cuenta en Filae?
¿Cómo conecto una cuenta Filae existente con mi cuenta de la Iglesia?
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Hola,gracias por responder. Me dice "solicitud inválida" 😔