How do I correct the bride information in Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950?
This is regarding the marriage of my grandparents Sam Fletcher and Evelyn Davis (whose last name indexed as Dennis) in the Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950 on image 235 of the records. I was able to correct the groom's family information, but when I chose the edit under the bride's name, it showed the editing option for the groom's family. The correct last name of the bride is Davis, not Dennis so it will show up on the index as the wrong last name until it is corrected. Also, the name of the mother of the bride needs to be changed to Allie Davis and the bride's mother's maiden name on the record looks as if it is Davis, but it has a few more letters added to the end. I've been doing genealogy for almost 50 years and know her maiden name is Ball. The married couples' mothers were half-sisters who had same father but different mothers. I spoke with my grandmother (the bride in this record) around 1980 about genealogy and she knew Ball was her mother's maiden name. If you must change record to Davis instead of Ball because the name on the record looks more like Davis, then change it to Davis, if you must.
Sounds like this record has already been Indexed if you were able to Edit it and have a film number. This FamilySearch Help/Indexing forum is for records that are in the process of being indexed. I believe your question might receive a better response under the FamilySearch Help/Search forum.
Repost your question there with a screenshot or link to the page, and hopefully someone will be able to explain editing that particular record.
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Thank your for your response. I thought I was posting so an employee of FamilySearch would respond since it is a technical type issue and nothing I am doing wrong. In case I didn't word my post very well, there is no way to make changes for the bride's family information so it seems as if it is something for FamilySearch to change to make the bride's family capable of being edited.