Trying to find my fathers family and make contact
I’m looking for my birth fathers side of the family my birth father, Keith Cooper, and I’m looking for his father and any of his children born in dale Kent uk and know that there are Coopers, griggs and Hilton’s on my birth fathers side as well and know that they live in Kent uk Scotland Canada and USA I would love to be able to meet the rest of my birth fathers side of the family as it’s been nearly 25 yrs since they have seen me or known anything bout me
I’ve been searching for the last 8 yrs and can’t find or locate them
Hi, Sounds like an interesting challenge. Happy to help you try to find your ancestors and family, but I need a little more information and clarification.
I can't find any references to a place in Kent called Dale. There is a town called Deal, which is a reasonable-size, and I wondered if this is what you meant. Some approximate dates would be helpful too, and would enable the search to be narrowed. Any other place names or information on the Griggs and Hilton families would also be useful.
Kind regards,
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Yes I did mean deal.
I don’t know names or dob or locations for the Hilton’s
my great grandfather Fredrick Cooper born 1906 deal Kent
My great beatrice Griggs born 1907 deal Kent, died 1987
My great great grandfather James Henry Griggs, unknown’s dob and location
my great great grandmother Agnes Rosetta gooding, unknown dob and location
I know there’s some connections to the new forest area in Hampshire
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@BarryJohnson I’ve inboxed u all the information that I have
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To learn how to address this kind of research problem more effectively, you might like to join the Guild of One-Name Studies. Griggs, Hilton, and Gooding are not Guild registered surnames; perhaps you would like to register them? Three Guild members have registered an interest in Cooper. The Guild also has some free research tools that may give you new directions of research.
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@dontiknowyou would u be able to help?
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On the Guild website you can message any of the members who have registered an interest in Cooper. You can also hire a professional.
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@dontiknowyou how do I get on to the guild website?
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@Indianna87 Hello....just trying to see if we understand your prime interest correctly? Are you trying to locate living descendants of your father and grandfather? OR Are you trying to extend these lines back to earlier ancestors?
Can you also tell us if your father and grandfather are alive or deceased currently?
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@karenrasmussen trying to find living relatives of my father and grandfather so that I can try and build a bond with them after 25 yrs
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Note: Moderator has removed personally-identifying information.
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@karenrasmussen why have they removed it for
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@Indianna87 One of the best ways to find living relatives is social media...such as facebook. Here is a link to a good article on finding living relatives:
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@karenrasmussen thank u
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On at the top of any page enter your surname of interest in the search box under Is your surname here?