New computer setup for family history center

I am the stake asst technology specialist for my ward. I was just sent replacement computers to set up and ran into some problems with what was supposed to be a just turn the computer on and let setup run process.
I was asked to enter my ward's center id number and email address part way thru the setup. I entered unit number 3337537 and email address, which is the info I have for my ward, Kingston ward, Newburg NY stake.
The response I got from the setup program was that did not match records in Salt Lake. I tried a few times and ran out of time, so I gave up. Now the computers are in an incomplete setup state and I'm not sure what the recovery is.
First, how do I make sure my unit info is correct? I'm thinking between COVID and my history center director passing away in late 2020, something may have expired and we are no longer registered.
To set up these computers, do I just run a factory reset and let the whole process run again?
The other problem is that someone keeps moving the ethernet cable that connects to the history center from port 6 on the managed switch to another port. My understanding is that the cable must be on port 6 so that the history center is on the proper subnet for premium sites to work.
I have hopefully fixed that problem by moving the cable back to port 6 and attaching a sign to the switch stating the cable is not to be moved for any reason.
This is further complicated by port 6 on the managed switch being changed to disabled state in Technology Manager (now Church Network Manager), presumably by that same person.
I changed the state to 'Special' since that looked like the right choice, and I do have internet connection in the history center, but I suspect this may also contribute to my setup problem.
It looks like I am connected to the 10.135.. network, which I think is the special history center network.
If I don't get answers here I'll call FHC tech support in a couple days, but thought this might be quicker.
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- FHC Windows 10 OS Image current version 6
Good Luck.
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
Attention: @Ken Richins - NAO Tech Support Lead
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Ken Richins sent me a message that the email domain should be so I'll try that Sunday.
When I got the popup asking for history center identification, the text at the bottom of the popup showed, so whoever supports the setup scripting for initial computer setup should be asked to fix that.
I tried the tech support link. I saw a quick link for Family History Centers Standard Operating Procedure, and clicked that. I got a page that said
Well, this is unexpected...
This page contains information for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Church membership can be linked to your account at registration or by going to your Account Settings.
I am a member of the church, registered as Stake Technology Specialist, and am signed in to the website with my church login so I don't know what is going on.
I scrolled thru a few pages of the topic list and saw nothing relevant. I tried a couple searches and didn't find anything useful there either.
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Generally if we to to
and then enter our email addresses and passwords, we are given access to our respective Family History Centre email inbox.
Cheerio for now.