What do others users find is the best way to add a reason statement when changing Death details?

As most users will know, the only detail in the Vitals section we can't actually "Delete" involves an individual's Death. I am interested in how other users go about changing incorrect inputs, given there is no Delete option (after clicking on "Edit"), during which process a reason statement can be made (in removing data concerning the other Vitals).
If one simply removes the existing inputs (by blanking out or overwriting) there is no provision (as with the other vitals) to add a reason statement, which is then carried over to the Change Log.
I can see there are two alternatives that can be used:
(1) Enter a reason statement, "Save" then go back immediately and delete it (i.e. before making any new inputs).
(2) After, removing the existing data, input the "correct" detail, then add and retain a reason statement that covers the whole exercise (i.e. reason for removing the now "invisible" data, together with reason why you believe your revised data inputs are correct).
I have never seen this issue discussed on this forum and am interested in how other users "get around" the problems created by not being able to directly delete incorrect Death inputs.
Here is an illustration of the process. The alternative to deleting the reason statement altogether (after removing the incorrect data would) be to slightly amend the wording to, "Removed existing detail as found to be incorrect (i.e., no 1808 Bishopwearmouth death)."
Best Answer
Yes, this is one of the areas where the conflation of two unrelated purposes into a single "reason" box makes for a less-than-satisfactory user experience. If you use the death event's reason box for change log annotation, it displays on the profile's Details page and is likely to be incomprehensible there, but if you use the box for conclusion reasoning, then the change log becomes a bit (more) opaque.
I don't recall ever actually needing to delete a death conclusion, so I haven't faced this dilemma, but I think your "change the reason box, then delete the inputs" solution is the best compromise.
I have corrected very few death records, but when I did I added/edited the information and stated why. I remember one case I found an agricultural census which showed someone was alive longer than previously thought. The existing date was “before X” and I changed it to “after y”. Y was the year of the agricultural census and a later year than x. I changed the burial information someone added about my father, but that’s not quite on topic I think.