Update: April 30, 2022—Select Up to 50 People on Your Temple Reservation List • • FamilySearch Blog

Update: April 30, 2022—Select Up to 50 People on Your Temple Reservation List • • FamilySearch Blog
In your My Reservations temple list, you can now select up to 50 rows to print, share, or unreserve your ordinance reservations, even if the…
Some of the names on my Temple File list may have a missing ordinance. However, when I try to reserve the missing ordinance that is on Temple File, the pink message
stating the 300 limit comes up and will not allow me to submit that person's missing ordinance to Temple File! How can I continue to submit a missing individual ordinance for someone who has otherwise had ordinances completed? The 300 limit should only apply to personal submissions, not Temple File. Can you help with this dilemma? Please reply to my ID which is " ihnen1 ". Did the First Presidency really mean the 300 limit to include Temple File Submissions? Thank you for your help.
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Thank you for your question. In order to reserve additional ordinances your "My Reservation" list will need to be below 300 rows. Once it is below 300 rows, you can reserve additional ordinances and then immediately share to the "Shared" temple list if you so desire. You can share unlimited ordinances to the "Shared" temple list.
Many users have shared everything to the "Shared" list and then pull back ordinances they are doing for immediate temple appointments. This keeps their "My Reservation" list either empty or manageable and allows them to reserve and share ordinances to the "Shared" list all the time. It also allows other users to help complete the temple work by using Ordinances Ready or having the temple print the name for a local patron.
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Is it Possible to release the 300 names I submitted and go to the share option without using unreserve? L.Kuijpers.
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I'm not exactly sure what you are asking about. If you have 300 rows on your own personal reservation list, you can share them with the temple if they haven't been already shared by another user. If you have a 90-day reservation or an icon with a clock on it, this indicates that someone else has already shared it to the shared temple list. When you reserved it, you had 90-days to complete the ordinances. Since it is already on the shared with temple list, if you no longer want the ordinance on your own personal reservation list, you will need to unreserve it from you list. This does not unreserve it from the shared with temple list.
If you have reserved other ordinances to your personal reservation list that have a 2 year reservation, you can share them to the shared temple list.