How to Find My Chinese Ancestors • • FamilySearch Blog
How to Find My Chinese Ancestors • • FamilySearch Blog
A jiapu is a Chinese family tree that may date to the 1600s or earlier. Learn about the history of your Chinese clans in Jiapu on
Thank you for making this uniqe information available. I will try to follow the instructions tomorrow, Jill Weaver.
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Expreso mi eterna gratitud por esta maravillosa guia en la que me permitira encontrar mas registros de mis antepasados. Soy descendiente Chino y por medio de una profunda y sincera oracion, el cielo despejo mi mente... El viernes 22 de diciembre del presente ano no pude descansar por que resonaba en mi memoria las palabras de mi hermano que somos descendientes de Chiang Kai-shek y que era primo hermano de nuestro abuelito que emigro al ecuador en 1924; gracias a la credencial del Kuo Min Tang y gracias a la tecnologia moderna, pude traducir apropiadamente y descubr[i que el verdadero nombre de mi abuelo es Yan Huaixin Jun Cuntie 嚴懷新君村婦 y mediante una busqueda en google me encontre en Wilkipedia la historia de Chiang Kai-shek y al discernir, pude apreciar que el Primer Ministro de China en los anos de 3 de junio de 1949-7 de marzo de 1950 se llamaba Xishan Yan y al seguir discerniendo y buscando mediantes la web me encuentro con una biografia en fotos en y al llamarme la atencion me centre en la foto de su familia y al comparar una foto de la mama de mi abuelito que la tengo en fisico, pude apreciar que era la misma persona y comence a indagar en la web su historia y me encontre con su verdadero nombre el cual es Xu Zhuqing 徐竹清 Xúzhúqīng. Fue el mejor regalo de navidad como se lo mencionaba en mi oracion de gratitud que le exprese a mi Padre Celestial al permitirme encontrar tan valiosa informacion que me permitio retomar la busqueda de una manera mas intensa por nuestros antepasados. Ahora este articulo me guiara en poder continuar con la historia muy especial de mis antepasados y ojala pueda contactar a parientes que sobrevivan en la actualidad.
I express my eternal gratitude for this wonderful guide in which it will allow me to find more records of my ancestors. I am of Chinese descent and through a deep and sincere prayer, heaven cleared my mind... On Friday, December 22 of this year, I could not rest because my brother's words resonated in my memory that we are descendants of Chiang Kai. Shek and that he was our grandfather's first cousin who emigrated to Ecuador in 1924; Thanks to the Kuo Min Tang credential and thanks to modern technology, I was able to translate properly and discovered that my grandfather's real name is Yan Huaixin Jun Cuntie 嚴懷新君村婦 and through a Google search I found the story on Wilkipedia of Chiang Kai-shek and upon discerning, I was able to see that the Prime Minister of China in the years from June 3, 1949 to March 7, 1950 was called Xishan Yan and upon continuing discerning and searching through the web I found a biography in photos at and when it caught my attention I focused on the photo of his family and when comparing a photo of my grandfather's mother who I have it physically, I could see that it was the same person and I began to investigate his story on the web and I found his real name which is Xu Zhuqing 徐竹清 Xúzhúqīng. It was the best Christmas gift as mentioned in my prayer of gratitude that I expressed to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to find such valuable information that allowed me to resume the search in a more intense way for our ancestors. Now this article will guide me in being able to continue with the very special story of my ancestors and hopefully I will be able to contact relatives who survive today.