Scottish Sayings Enliven Your Family History • • FamilySearch Blog

Scottish Sayings Enliven Your Family History • • FamilySearch Blog
Do you know any Scottish sayings? Learn more about the sayings and dialect spoken in Scotland and use them in your own family history.
I'm from the North East of Scotland so I was brought up with, and speak 'the Doric'. Standard greeting - "Fit like?" meaning how are you? To which the normal response would be - "Nae bad, foo's yersel'?" Another greeting used around Aberdeen or "Aiberdeen" - "Foo's yer doos?" to which the normal response would be - "Ay peckin'." Unless of coorse ye were "Glaikit" in which case "ye wid jist open yer mou an' let yer belly rummle." A lot of our sayings turn up in other areas of Scotland but many are unique. A favourite saying of my Norwegian Mother was - "Use fit ye've got an' ye'll nivver stick!" Overheard at the end of a rather dry lecture on mechanical ventilation - Lecturer - Any more questions about fans? Response by a tired student - "Aye, fan are we gettin' oot?"
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RGU in Aberdeen hiv a nice wee Doric buke "Div Ye Ken Ony Doric". Ye can find it here
bit ye'll hae tae copy it intae yer browser thingy cos it's a PDF an it winna load here.