How to update birthdate and location of death.
My brother, Edgar Jarrell III was born on June 4, 1963. There are two records in reference to his date of birth. The record which documents his birth as 1964 is incorrect. The location of his death is listed as Mitchell, Georgia which is incorrect. At the time of my brother’s death he lived in Bolingbroke, Georgia with his parents and seven siblings. I have never heard of Mitchell, Georgia and that is a glaring mistake. My brother was 15 years old when he passed away out at Cotton Harrison Camp. My aunt, Sarah Davis notified us of his drowning. We never heard directly from the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department in Forsyth, Georgia maybe that’s why the location of his death is such a glaring mistake. My deceased brother, Edgar Jarrell III was born on June 4, 1963 and he died at Cotton Harrison Camp in Monroe County, Georgia on June 2, 1979. What is the procedure for reconciling the discrepancies?
If the incorrect information is in the FamilySearch Family Tree, you can edit it and make it correct. If the information is from a record source and the transcription is correct, you should not edit it. All sources may not be exact. I looked up your brother in the Family Tree and see that you show in the Tree the birth date and death place as mentioned about. I see one source that you haven't yet attached - a Georgia death index with an estimated birth year as 1964. I do not see any source with anything about Mitchell, Georgia.