I am attempting to delete a duplicate but get an error message

I am attempting to delete a duplicate as well. The error message I receive however, has to do with merging a record of someone deceased and the same name which lists the person as living. The error message says I cannot merge a living and deceased record. The record with the deceased status is correct.
The numbers are
G6GD-GKC This one is correct and needs to stay.
LDH7-8R5 This one needs to be deleted.
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There are two usual solutions to your problem. They are mutually exclusive, so chose one or the other.
- First mark LDH7-8R5 deceased. Once you do that, LDH7-8R5 can be merged with G6GD-GKC by any contributor. Because marking LDH7-8R5 deceased will move that profile into the public tree space, you may want to first remove anything from the profile that you do not want to be seen by others.
- Delete LDH7-8R5. Because LDH7-8R5 is in your private tree space no one else has edited it, so you are not prevented from deleting it.
Hope this helps.
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Actually I have tried both of these options. When I tried to mark LDH7-8R5 from Living to Deceased, I get the message. "Save failed. You cannot change your own record from Living to Deceased.
I also tried merging and received the message, you cannot merge a living person with a deceased.
Also, I am somewhat confused about the 'public tree space.' I guess I am wondering how do I know I am in the 'public tree space.
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Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
As, I am "Related" ...
For Starters ...
The "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', is the SINGLE "One" World "Tree"; where, principally, "Deceased" individuals/persons, ARE "Public", for all Users/Patrons, to 'see' (and, access).
Whereas ...
"Living" individuals/persons, are NOT "Public"; and, reside in the "Private Spaces", of the User/Patron, who created them.
Now ...
That Said ...
Regarding, the ERROR message: "Save failed. You cannot change your own record from Living to Deceased".
That ERROR Message, is an indication, that LDH7-8R5, is You.
And, of course, You CANNOT, make Yourself; as, "Deceased".
Question: Are you certain, that LDH7-8R5, is the actual individual/person, that you want to make "Deceased".
[ And, in fact, "Merge"/"Combine", with Douglas Garth KINDLE Sr. ( G6GD-GKC ) ... ]
So ...
That Asked ...
Is there another "Living" individual/person in your "Ancestral" Lines, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', similar to Douglas Garth KINDLE Sr. ( G6GD-GKC ), that being: "Name", "Birth", "Death" etc ; but, with a DIFFRENT 'FamilySearch Person Identifier' (PID), rather than LDH7-8R5?
IF, the latter is the case; THEN, that is the individual/person, that you want to "Change", the 'Status', of "Living" to "Deceased"; and, then "Merge"/"Combine", with Douglas Garth KINDLE Sr. ( G6GD-GKC ).
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Ah. You repurposed the special profile created when you opened your account. That profile is you.
All profiles marked Deceased are in the public tree space. All profiles marked Living or Confidential are in a contributor's private tree space. In your case, everyone can see G6GD-GKC, only you can see LDH7-8R5.
Since you have tried to delete the profile LDH7-8R5, there is nothing unique on it. So simply delete all vital details, memories, etc and make LDH7-8R5 a profile of yourself. You don't need to put any personal details on it; it exists so that you can attach yourself to the world tree.