Update for Temple Ordinance Reservation Lists—New 300 Count • • FamilySearch Blog

In November 2021, personal temple reservation lists will be limited to 300 rows. Learn more about this update and how it affects your reservations.
UGH! just had a nasty unreserve from temple/move my reservations. The body count was correct, but names never appeared. Had to use a direct bridge computer at a temple to get names showing so I could print cards.
Using the individual page to print card brought up the eternal wheelie of misfortune. Adobe print for card or FOR never appeared. Can't move names into a group. Individual PID shows I have the claim, but PID vanishes no matter how I set filter in temple share at home, does not show in other tabs.
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How do you remove the names of people who's work you have done from those 300 lines? I am down to 200 ordinances that need to be done but I still can't add any new names.
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You can unreserve any reservation to remove it from your "My Reservations" list. You can also share those same reservations to the "Shared with temple" list.
Check out these Help Center articles:
How do I unreserve or release family names from my temple list?
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Family Search will not allow me to print more than 5 or 6 sealing cards at a time from my reservations list. Why has this changed? I live 2-1/2 hours from the temple, and want to be able to do as much work as possible for my family each time we go. I would also like to be able to give cards to family members who are going to the temple, but Family Search is not allowing me to do this. This is upsetting. Please do whatever is necessary to allow me to print as many ordinance cards as I want at any time.
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Thank you for your question. Are you running Ordinances Ready or printing directly from the "My Reservations"? Please check out these Help Center articles for more information:
How do I find family names for the temple with Ordinances Ready?
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Why, oh why, won't the system let me print more than 5 or 6 names for sealings? We live 2-1/2 hours from the temple, and want to be able to do as much work for our family as possible when we go. We can't even print names for relatives to do. Please fix this.
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This is too confusing. On the one hand I am informed that I can do the endowments for a specific person. Then my request to print the card is denied because I might have more than 300 names reserved; a new rule. This makes no sense. Is Family Search guessing how many names I have reserved? If so, why was I not asked to release some, especially considering the restraints placed on Temple work and worship in response to the Covid panic?
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You can share reservations with the shared with temple list that has no limits and then pull back to your personal My Reservations list when you are ready to attend the temple. Each user can have no more than 300 rows in their personal My Reservations list. If you are at or over 300, you will need to either share to the shared with temple list, or unreserve to drop below 300. Once you are below 300 you can reserve more.
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FYI I have about 3000 names in my account, for whom I am doing Temple work daily. Limiting me to 300 inhibits me from reserving spouses and other names that I come across. I intend to have the Temple work done on all 3000 within a couple of years. I have shared about 22,000 names with the Temple system, so nobody in my family is inhibited in finding those names for doing Temple ordinance work. (By the way, making the names shared with the Temple available to others as you now have was a wonderful development.)
I wish you could find another way to make names available to other family members than limiting a person to 300. Perhaps you could somehow encourage people who have many names and are not doing the work expeditiously to share them with the Temple system. Incidentally, if people are hogging names and not doing the work, then those names become available when they expire in 2 years. So I think you are punishing people with lots of names without really making any difference in making names available to others.
Just my opinion.
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Oh, I just realized that dates are not expiring right now so that is not a solution. Hmm, just need a way to encourage people to share more names with the Temple system if they have a lot.
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In order to reserve more names, your "My Reservation" list needs to be below 300 rows.
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j'ai envoyé 300 noms à faire dans n'importes quels temple depuis maintenant 2 ans . Il n'y a pas de temple en Nouvelle-Calédonie, petite île du Pacifique. Depuis 2 ans , nous ne pouvons pas aller au temple le plus proche. Si vous pouvez faire en sorte que les ordonnances transmises depuis là soient faites. MERCI
Google Translate - French to English:
I sent 300 names to do in any temple for 2 years now. There is no temple in New Caledonia, a small island in the Pacific. For 2 years, we have not been able to go to the nearest temple. If you can arrange for the ordinances transmitted from there to be done. THANK YOU
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I am requesting these temple ordinances for my son who has recently passed away
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Please check out this Help Center article for instructions:
How do I request or reserve temple ordinances in Family Tree?
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I mine Family Search on a regular basis, finding all sorts of people waiting for various ordinances. These, I immediately release to the temple. After making an appointment to attend the temple, I go to the list of shared names, unshare the one that has been waiting longest, and take that one with me. Almost every day that the temple is open, I get a message that one or more ordinances have been performed for one of my shared family names. Since I cannot possibly do all that work, I am grateful for the people who help me with their vicarious work with a temple name (my family names). I still have plenty of work to do, but don't feel anxious about those people waiting. Sharing with the temple or family is like Moses delegating his administrative work at Jethro's insistence. Everyone can do a little, but nobody can do it all. Win-Win!
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I have a large number of names have ordinance work done in the Temple, and I used to go each week and do 20 to 25 names. I am no longer able to do to the temple as I used to. How can I release the names to be done by someone else? However My oldest son David Hugh Neal has passes away and I need to do Initiatory and endowment for him, or at least have his brothers do the work for him. How can I do this?? David N Neal
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I have well over 300 names that I have submitted for Temple work, and up until now I have Shared them with the Temple. I am 83 yrs. old and disabled and can no longer do any Temple ordinances. Now that pink box shows up when I want to reserve a name, it tells me to Share, but there is no way I can get to the page that says Share. How do I do that? Diane Ever Boulet Wirth
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I am just trying to print out baptism/confirmation cards from my reservations for my granddaughter and having difficulty. I just want to check only those two ordinances (could it be that it only wants to give me 90 days to complete ALL the ordinances), but it won't let me print off just the two? As Endowments get backed up, since they can only be done one at a time, I have plenty of Endowments I am working on right now and don't want to be under a 90-day restraint, but I do want my granddaughter to have the opportunity to do work for ancestors. Is there a way to just check and print off only the baptism/confirmation from the selected individuals on my reserve list? Or is there another issue as to why I can't just print off for the two ordinances?
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share with Adelaide Australia Temple, they have low number of names at the moment
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This limit makes it very challenging for converts to the church who do not have anyone else assisting with ordinances. I've shared several hundred ordinances with the temple, 468 - many since 2018 are still waiting, so it's not from a lack of sharing. And I've averaged several hundred ordinances a year before COVID-19, my immediate family & I have done over 200 ordinances so far this year, attending almost every week, setting appointments in several different temples in order to do so, so it's not from a lack of effort either. The bottleneck of course is in the Endowment. It forces us to give up the idea of being able to keep the reservation of & perform the sealing to parents because it's another line/row, which I always wonder why they have to be endowed in order to be sealed to parents, since that is not true for the living. It also encourages us to do the ordinances out of order i.e. do the sealing to spouse ordinance prior to the endowment in order to eliminate that row to comply with an arbitrary limit number. I understand the spirit of it, to encourage members to share with other relatives, but it makes it more difficult for converts who are active in family history. I'm extremely thankful that I live in Salt Lake valley & have access to so many temples to ensure weekly appointments can be made, but that is not the case for most converts. This is not meant to be negative, but rather thoughts I hope get considered in future policies. Have a blessed day.
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Before the 300 limit I added more than 4500 names over 3 years to the tree. Since the 300 limit I have only been able to add 22. What compounds the problem is the halting of the expiration dates during covid which help release those names. This was not a good change. People weren't hoarding they were working hard gathering and creating names.
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I can't seem to gain access to my list of reserved names, and I have a temple appointment in 2 days, Show me My List!
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I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Just in passing ...
IF, your "Temple" 'Tab', is NOT, appearing, on your "Home"/"Landing" page/screen, for 'FamilySearch'; THEN, I humbly suggest, that you TRY, some of your OTHER pages/screens.
A few Days go, my Wife, had the same problem/issue; but, I did not.
We found, that her "Temple" 'Tab', appeared, on OTHER pages/screens; but, just NOT, on her "Home"/"Landing" page/screen, for some inexplicable reason.
So, she was still able, to get access, to her "Temple" Reservations; but, just NOT, from/through her "Home"/"Landing" page/screen.
Luckily, the problem/issue, was somewhat, short lived; and, the "Home"/"Landing" page/screen, eventually returned to normal.
ie. some sort, of intermittent, "Glitch", that eventually, gets resolved.
Good Luck.
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat; at least, in the short term.
[ ie. For you forthcoming "Temple" trip/visit ... ]
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When the 300 limit was first put into place I was very dissapointed. I have since learned how to effectively use the Share with Temple option and find it to be a wonderful option. Now when I reserve ordinances I almost always share them with the Temple. That gives others the opportunity to help complete the ordinances. When my supply of printed cards starts getting a little short I Unshare some of the ordinances that have been reserved the longest. At first I had a hard time unsharing ordinances but I finally learned that to Unshare you have to click the Share button. A button to Unshare then becomes visible. I have learned over the years that programers often think differently than users. What normal person would ever imagine that in order to Unshare you have to click the Share button?
I appreciate very much the path that has been implemented to allow others to work with me to complete the ordinances for family members that I have researched and reserved for the sacred Temple Ordinances.
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I want to unshare some ordinances because I want to perform the ordiances myself. When I unshare, will thed names still appear on my Temple list as ordinances to be performed?
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If you have shared the names to the shared temple list, you can unshare them back to your personal reservation list - as long as that list is below 300 rows.
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I just went to my reservation list and it said that there were 102 reserved but the print out showed no reservations. What happened? I know that they are not expired and I just recently added a few more names Thank you for looking into this. Judd Shafer