South Africa, Johannesburg—Cemetery Records, 1840–2019 M3GP-JVY

This batch is a single image Affidavit. It is a request to reopen a grave for a second burial.
The example shows clearly what to do in relation to the current burial but there is no indication in the example or in the instructions concerning the previous burial.
The name of the person is given and the Cemetery name is known. The indexer has created a second record for the person in question, Robert Apollis. I agree with the indexer but was wondering if there is an official position or directive concerning this situation??
@LarryClark43 I have been reviewing these images too and in my humble opinion, there is no need for the second record to be created because the person has been buried and that burial has been recorded. So I feel the second record should be deleted because the only concern is the reopening of the grave and the burial of the newly deceased person. Just as they are using an alternative burial method to save space, it would be a waste to restate information on the person already there. Here's what I found in the instructions and you will notice they only index the person being requested.
Hope this helps. Thank you.
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Thank you for your response to my Question. I appreciate your help.
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You're welcome.