Scottish Census Records by area

Are we able to search census records via area rather than a person's name? Specifically Lunanhead, Parish of Forfar, Scotland 1851/61/71/81/91/ etc.? Thank you.
Yes, you are able to search records on Family Search using only a place name. You just need to click "Search" on the top bar of the Family Search homepage, then click "Records". On that page you can click "Browse all collections", which is a button below "Find a collection". It will take you to a page called "Historical record collections". Below "Collection type" click "Censuses and Lists". Then, under "Filter by collection title", type in "Scotland". There were 7 answers that came up for me, Scotland Censuses 1841-1901. You can select which one you want, and it will take you to a page where you can search names or places in that census, so under "Place" you can type "Lunanhead".
Hope this helps!
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Thank you. I found this before, possibly in a different manner. Though I filter by Lunanhead, it lists by people's names. I would like to view the actual census and not transcriptions, so I can see who may be neighbours and the details of the households. Is that possible here? Thanks.
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Based on the catalog entry for "Census returns for Forfar (parish 288), 1841-1891" (, only the indexes are freely available on FamilySearch for Scottish censuses. The images give the "Family History Center or affiliate library" message for me. (I'm not LDS; you may get a different message if you are.) This means that I cannot view the actual census from home; I can only search the index, which is arranged by name, not by place or page.