"Discovery Page" needs to be edited

The "Discovery Page" for my father has errors which I would like to correct. First, it has him listed as his own sibling (he was an only child), so this needs to be deleted. Second, it includes only the information about his second marriage and completely ignores his first marriage which produced five children (including me). Same with the timeline, which completely eliminates my mother, his first wife, and five children. There needs to be a mechanism provided so that these egregious errors can be corrected.
Welcome to the "Community.FamilySearch" Forum.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Just in passing ...
The "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestor.FamilySearch" [ .org ], CANNOT be "Edited".
All that one can do, is to make certain, that ALL the "Details", for particular the individual/person, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', are as CORRECT; as, they can be.
Nothing more, nothing less ...
And, CURRENTLY, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestor.FamilySearch" [ .org ], will ONLY display ONE Spouse, even if there were MULTIPLE Spouses.
Plus, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestor.FamilySearch" [ .org ] DO NOT list/include "Living" individuals/persons.
Now ...
That Said ...
But, 'Yes', you are correct, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch", about our Ancestors, can be (and, often, are) riddled with errors; and, lets say (to be kind) somewhat 'misleading'.
Please be advised/aware, that ...
Often, what appears to be a perceived mistake, on the "Discovery Page", is just the way that the "Discovery Pages", displays information/detail, about the individual/person, from "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch'.
The "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch", are ONLY, simply, to enable (SOME of) the individuals/persons, in "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', to be "Found" (ie. located), by ANYONE, doing a search on the INTERNET, for such an individuals/persons.
The "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch", are NOT any form of definitive "Resource" for Genealogy/Family History research.
The "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch", are simply to bring OTHERS, not aware of; or, already associated with, "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', TO discover 'FamilySearch'; and, especially, to enable them, to participate in, "Family Tree", of 'FamilySearch', if the so desire - nothing more, nothing less.
Please note ...
That a "Change", to an individual/person, in the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch', will NOT appear IMMEDIATELY, in the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [.org], of 'FamilySearch'; and, will NOT do so, for a couple of Weeks.
The "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; and, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [.org], of 'FamilySearch', are Two (x2) separate and distinct programmes.
The "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch' maintains the "Data".
Whereas, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [.org], of 'FamilySearch', 'Pulls' from, the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'.
Every couple of Weeks, BOTH, the "Family Tree" Part, of 'FamilySearch'; and, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [.org], of 'FamilySearch', are 'Synchronise" together; so that, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [.org], of 'FamilySearch', can be "Updated", with any "Changes" made.
And ...
Here are some of "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
What is the purpose of discovery pages in Family Tree?
Where does the information on discovery pages come from?
How do I fix errors on a Family Tree discovery page?
Changes to Family Tree do not show up immediately on the discovery pages.
Can I find my living family in Family Tree discovery pages?
Here is an Article in the 'FamilySearch' "Blog":
New Ancestor Discovery Pages Provide a Rich, Engaging Family History Experience
Good Luck.
I hope, that this/these may help/assist, somewhat; and, I hope, that this provides some additional, insight; and, perspective.
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"Too long, didn't read" synopsis: Discovery pages are based on what's entered in Family Tree, and are occasionally updated to reflect any new changes there.
There are some things that you cannot change on them at all. For example, none of us have figured out a way to change its mind about which marriage it shows, short of deleting a spouse. It will never show more than one marriage. It's not clear how it chooses that one marriage, but it has nothing to do with the user-set "preferred" setting. The choice is based on something global; we just haven't figured out what.
If a Discovery page is showing an incorrect relationship, it means that there is an incorrect relationship entered in Family Tree. Correct that error, and eventually it will go away on the Discovery page, too. However, make sure you're reading the weasel words on the Discovery page correctly: the way it's phrased and presented (in multiple random places on the page), sometimes it's hard to tell what it's actually saying.
For completeness, I will also mention that if a Discovery page is showing an incorrect location or date that doesn't match what's in the Tree, it means that the location or date has been standardized incorrectly. You'll need to edit the relevant conclusion in Family Tree to see (and correct) the error, because the Tree uses the display value, not the standardized value.