Official Permission to use FamilySearch Resources

I teach genealogy classes to children on OutSchool ( Offering these classes is a way I have found to introduce the rising generation to family history and potentially inspire the Spirit of Elijah in them.
One of the resources I use is FamilySearch Discovery activities, and some of the discovery activities require an account where the user is connected to a tree. I thought it would be helpful to my students to offer a class specifically for creating FamilySearch accounts. OutSchool does not want to approve this class because they say FamilySearch cannot be used for commercial use. Please note that I will not be making any money off the FamilySearch account creation class because I'll essentially be offering it for free via a 100% off coupon.
I think I could have more success with convincing OutSchool to approve my classes if I can prove to them that I have permission from FamilySearch to use its resources. How can I obtain official permission that I can furnish to OutSchool?
@krgarner Please review our terms of use:
Included on that page is a link you can use to request permission to use specific portions of the website.
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I am sure there are numerous professional genealogist and others who work for profit and use this site.
To say the site "cannot be for commerical use" - is sort of true and sort of false at the same time. it depends what you mean by that.
but if you arent charging any money - than how can it be "commercial"???
frankly I dont think you need permission
(as long as you comply with terms of use)
and at the moment I dont see how you would be in violation of "terms of use"
though you can not solicit business on this site. (you can solicit it elsewhere) and "solicit busines" implies MONEY - and you say you are not charging.
I would think the "spirit of" this following paragraph would apply to you and what you can NOT do on the site.
but I see no reason you need any "special permission" and I doubt you will get anything formal in writing anyway (I dont think you need it).
Professional genealogists may use this site or family history center resources to research information for and provide documents to a client for the client’s personal, noncommercial use. However, professional genealogists may not solicit or arrange business, promote themselves, or receive payments on this site or other Church property.
<the key word there is "on this site" or "on church property">
LDS missionaries often do similar activities with what they do in discussing family history with their contacts.
I am not a FS employee and the above is only my personal opinion
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@Dennis J Yancey The problem I'm running into is the way outschool is interpreting FamilySearch's terms of use. Because outschool thinks I'm violating the terms of use, they won't let me offer a class to help children get set up on FamilySearch. I need a way to convince outschool that this is okay with FamilySearch.
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put yourself in contact with the FS people who deal with terms of use -
BUT I dont see how a normal person reading the terms of use - see that you are in violation.
I really dont think you need to go into much detail trying to explain your scenario.
simply put the question for me would be
Can I teach a class that teaches people how to create accounts with FamilySearch . . . ."
Does it matter whether or not I charge for the class
(Noting I will NOT be soliciting any business on the web site or on church property)
Seems to me that is clearly within guidelines.