School Record birthdate: South Africa, KwaZulu Natal—Vital Records, 1868–1976 [Part E] [M38N-XLF]
Rather than the usual records in this batch like birth, death, and marriage, a school record came up. There is the child's name and the dates they were enrolled in the school. Then it says the birthdate. Do we list that information under birth record, since at least it gives us a child and a birthdate...or say no extractable data?
I actually had an online chat with FS help about a batch like this. I was told that since it was signed by a school official it should be considered an official record like the ones signed by the hospitals and recorded as a birth record.
Entry Type: Birth
Given name: Robert Gopaul
Surname: Moodley
Birthday (in appropriate fields): 9 Jun 1936
All other fields would be blank.
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Yaaay. That makes me happy! I hate to pass up good information! Thanks for your response!