The Web Indexing Keyboard Shortcuts - Needs Updating

Here is a link to the keyboard shortcuts for indexing:
Below is a two-page printable version of these shortcuts with comments on Page 1. A few of the early shortcuts don't work or don't make sense anymore, and I'm unsure about another. Please refer to it.
Submit Batch Alt+S (Option+S) . It does something, but not this.
Share Batch Ctrl+Shift+S (Cmd+Shift+S). It does something but not this. I wish they would bring this back. It would be a quick way to tell new Indexers how to share a batch.
Open or Close Lookup List: Ctrl+L (Cmd+L). Does this still work for locality lookup lists? I don't have any projects on which to test this.
Open or Close Organize Fields Ctrl+O (Cmd+O). It doesn't make sense anymore, but perhaps it could be rebranded as Show and Hide Fields, perhaps as Ctrl+H.
Some suggestions. All happen to involve the letter S.
(1) Reactivate Alt+S (Option+S) as Submit Batch. But if there is a concern about confusion with suggestion #3, perhaps make #3 more complex.
(2) Reactivate Ctrl+Shift+S (Cmd+Shift+S) for bringing up the Help>Share Batch information.
(3) It's not in either list, but why not restore Ctrl+S (Cmd+S) to do an optional manual save of a batch (in addition to the periodic automatic save). It would give some folks peace of mind. Or perhaps Ctrl+Alt+S to avoid confusion with #1.
Below is my formatted list of shortcuts. It appears to match the first link, and it needs to be updated, but I've noted which shortcuts don't work as advertised or might be questionable.
Best Answer
This was submitted to be updated. I will post again when there is an update.
Super. Thanks.