Please delete Dale Newbold, G899-K9B, as he is a deceased duplicate of someone that is alive.
Dale Newbold G899-K9B was listed as deceased and incorrectly added to the family of George Lorenzo Newbold KWCW-HGG and Lyda Leon Robinson, K2HZ-TYB. The real Dale Newbold is very much alive and has contacted me to have him deleted. I have detached him from the family, however, I am not able to delete him because he was listed as deceased by someone else. Please delete this individual.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
[ And, I happen to be a Member of the Church ... ]
Just quickly in passing ...
'No', Dale NEWBOLD ( G899-K9B ), DOES NOT, have to be "Deleted".
You (or, the User/Patron, who has "Reserved" the "Temple" Work), can SIMPLY request, a "Change" of 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living".
That Dale NEWBOLD ( G899-K9B ), will then go (ie. "Disappear"), into the "Private Spaces", of the User/Patron who created that record; and, NOT be 'seen' in "Public".
Here is a "Knowledge Article" in, 'FamilySearch':
How do I change the status from deceased to living in Family Tree?
I hope, that this may help/assist, somewhat.
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Furthermore ...
Just to clarify ...
You simply "Edit", the "Death" record for Dale NEWBOLD ( G899-K9B ), "Changing" the 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living"; plus, provide a "Reason Statement" - simple as that.
The "Changing" the 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", will NOT be IMMEDIATE.
When, you "Changing" the 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", that will initiate and send the matter, to 'FamilySearch' "Support".
'FamilySearch' "Support" WILL investigate; and, provided that 'FamilySearch' "Support" concurs (which I am sure that they will), the "Change" of 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", will be ratified; and, the "Change" will be IMPLEMENTED - it may take a day or two - depending on the 'workload'.
As an aside ...
Once. the "Change" of 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", has been implemented ...
Dale NEWBOLD ( G899-K9B ) will then be "Moved", from "Public" view/access; as, a "Living" individual/person; and, into the "Private Spaces", of the User/Patron, who "Created" him - ONLY to be 'seen'/'access' by that User/Patron.
I hope, that this may also help/assist, somewhat.
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Because I did not create this duplicate record, the system will not let me change the status from deceased to living.
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Related ( SUBSEQUENT ) 'Post' ...
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Family Tree
How do I delete a duplicate that was mistakenly added as deceased, yet is alive?
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Just in passing ...
Please be, aware; and, advised ...
That ANY "Registered" User/Patron, CAN, "Request', that the 'Status', of a "Deceased" individual/person, be "Changed", from "Deceased", to "Living", NO MATTER who, "Created" the individual/person.
And ...
Most Importantly ...
The "Changing" the 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", will NOT be IMMEDIATE.
When, you "Changing" the 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", that will initiate and send the matter, to 'FamilySearch' "Support".
'FamilySearch' "Support" WILL investigate; and, provided that 'FamilySearch' "Support" concurs (which I am sure that they will), the "Change" of 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", will be ratified; and, the "Change" will be IMPLEMENTED - it may take a day or two - depending on the 'workload'.
As an aside ...
Once, the "Change" of 'Status', from "Deceased", to "Living", has been implemented ...
The individual/person will then be "Moved", from "Public" view/access; as, a "Living" individual/person; and, into the "Private Spaces", of the User/Patron, who "Created" him - ONLY to be 'seen'/'access' by that User/Patron.
I hope, that this may also help/assist, somewhat.
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thank you for your help, however, when I click on Submit after giving the reason statement of why I know that he is alive, the submit button will not change. Either there’s is a glitch in the program or I am still doing something wrong.
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That sounds like a glitch. Have you tried reloading the page? (Save your reason in a text editor, if you don't want to re-type it.)
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I apologise, for my delayed response ...
[ As, I have been 'Out', most of the day, today ... ]
Further to; and, in support of, what 'Julia' has proffered ...
UNLESS, there has been a Very RECENT "Change", to the "System", such appears to be a "Glitch" ...
What SHOULD happend, is that a 'Message' appears, that indicates, that the matter, has been "Forwarded" onto 'FamilySearch' "Support", for their attention/action (or, something, to that effect; as, the is NO LONGER any 'FamilySearch' "Support"Case numbers).
As such ...
Just in case ...
IF, you have not already; THEN, ...
I humbly suggest, that you might try ...
An "Oldie"; but, STILL, a "Goodie" ...
Which, more often than not, such works; but, of course, not always ...
"Clearing", the "Cookies"; &, the "Cache", of your "Browser" (&, even, to the extent of your "Browsing History").
Of course ...
Make sure, that your "Browser", is one, that is supported by 'FamilySearch'.
Plus, that both, your "Operating System"; and, your "Browser(s)", are "Up-to-Date", with the LATEST "Versions" (or, at least, the PREVIOUS "Versions), of each.
So ...
That Said ...
Just in case ...
Here are some "Knowledge Articles", in 'FamilySearch':
Which internet browsers are compatible?
I got a message that the site does not support this browser
How do I set my cookie preferences?
How do I delete cookies from FamilySearch?
How do I delete all of the cookies and temporary files stored by my internet browser?
Pages won't open on FamilySearch
How do I keep pop-up blockers from causing issues?
Good Luck.
Please advise if these do not work.
I hope, that this/these may help/assist, somewhat.
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Hi Brett, thank you so much for all of the time and research that you have put into this issue. I believe that I was finally able to get this issue resolved. It seems that because of the ' that was put after the name of Dale Newbold the system did not recognize him as a valid person. After I removed the ' I was able to submit the request to have him as being shown that he is alive. I had to go to, and practiced on people that I know are alive and listed them as deceased. When I found that I could change the status of others but still not to Dale, I realized what the issue must have been. Thanks again for you help in this issue.
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I am so sorry ...
I humbly apologise, I had NOT even NOTICED the "Back Quote" (ie. " ` ") symbol (ie. aka: "Acute"; "Backtick"; "Left Quote"; or, an "Open Quote") in the "Name".
In my defense ...
I though it was just a, Speck of Dust; or, Mark, on my Computer "Screen"; which, could do with a good clean.
[ This "Image", is from the OTHER Day (4/5 March), with that "Back Quote" (ie. " ` ") symbol, in that "Name" ... ]
Now ...
That Said ...,
Despite that, I am somewhat surprised; as, that "Back Quote" (ie. " ` ") symbol (ie. aka: "Acute"; "Backtick"; "Left Quote"; or, an "Open Quote"), caused such a problem/issue, for you, in the first place; as, that DOES NOT appear, on the "Warning", of "Invalid Characters", in a "Name" Field.
But ...
That Said ...
That Character, is ACTUALY are used, in MANY "Names"; as, a LEGITIMATE character; so, CANNOT be "Invalid".
Oh, well ...
We Live; and, Learn ...
Just out of curiosity ...
Question: Did you try, any of what I suggested; BEFORE, you made that "Change", to the "Name"?
I am really just curious ...
At least, you got the "Job" DONE ...
In a Day (or, so), the 'Status' of Dale NEWBOLD ( G899-K9B ), SHOULD be "Changed", from "Deceased", to "Living"; and, that "Version" of the individual/person WILL "Disappear" from "Public" View; and, into the "Private Spaces", of the User/Patron who "Created", that "Version" of the individual/person.
'All well, that ends well' ...