Missouri Marriage Records1806 - 1969. Part P
I just finished the first page of an index. it was called the Direct index. On the opposite side of the page there are the same names and it is labeled the Reverse Index. Do you only index the Direct Index and assume the Reverse Index is the same people in reverse order?
ie. groom, wife, page number
ie. wife, groom, page number
Please post the batch code of this project, thank you.
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About Batch
Image Name007424413_00039Batch IDM9Y2-BGC
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In further review of this page, I am not convinced that all of the names are the same from one page to the other. I think it will probably be best to index both sides of the image. What do you think?
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Some of the names are on both sides, but there are many that are not.
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Trying to transcribe the Missouri Marriages, I did the first page, which has page side by side, like page 1 & Page 2, I was trying to go to next set of pages, and it says for reference only. so how do I get to the other pages? When I try sending in the page I finished, it says there is 144 more marriage records to transcribe? I am confused.
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It may be that you need to delete the blank entries. Many projects come with extra entries that need to be deleted or they look like errors. Click on the first blank entry after you have completed all the names on your image. Go to the little garbage looking can on the tool bar. It will ask you if you want to delete just that entry or if you want to delete all blank entries. Hopefully, this solves your problem.
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Hi @Sarah Sall
Please share your Batch Code for the best answer. But read on for the probable cause of what you're seeing.
Below is an important paragraph from the What To Remember About This Project (WTR) Instructions section. It tells you that this project provides each batch image with 12 blank entries. You may not need them all to index the records on your batch image. If not, then you delete the unneeded ones with the trashcan icon and the option "all blank entries" and hit "Delete." So there are probably no more records to be indexed, just more blank entries than you need. It appears that you only needed 4 entries out of the 12 provided.
Each entry in this project is comprised of 18 fields, all of which are required (indicated by an asterisk). So every field in every entry that you try to submit must be filled in with a value, or you need to Ctrl+B <Blank> it. It sounds like you may have 8 unneeded empty entries, each with 18 fields = 8x18 =144 fields (not records or entries). So the system is telling you that you have a total of 144 required fields that must be deleted or have something indexed into them. You're going to delete them using the trashcan icon, and you should be able to submit your batch.
Here is that WTR citation:
- The default number of entries per image for this project is 12. However, some images will have more or fewer entries than this. For help with adding or removing entries, see "Number of Entries per Image" in the "Additional Information" section below.
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I have the same problem. How do I make the next page come up?