Re Discovery page

Hi Folks
When I click on my Fathers new discovery page, my mother does not show, She does not show on my fathers time line either.
Please explain how I can correct this error.
Note: My father was married twice and the second wife is the only one who shows.
Both wives should show and I should not have to click to see my own mother!
I have all relevant details in FamilyTree. Please correct this major flaw.
It's 'Brett'.
Just in passing ...
Regarding, the "Discovery Pages", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [ .org ] ...
To be honest ...
I DO NOT think, that there has been a DEFINITIVE 'Answer' provided, in this "Community.FamilySearch" Forum; as, to WHY, a particular "Spouse" appears; and, ANOTHER (ie. "Additional") Spouse DOES NOT appear.
There have been a number of suppositions, put forward; but, there DOES NOT appear to be ANY "One" particular REASON; as, in fact, it could be, a COMBINATION, of REASONS - ie. More than ONE ...
Safe to say ...
All that we know, for certain, is that currently; when, a "Deceased" individual/person, has MULTIPLE Spouses, ONLY "One" Spouse will appear, on the "Discovery Page", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [ .org ], for that individual/person.
But; as, to WHICH "Spouse" will appear ...
As, to the reason WHY ... well, that is another matter ...
Now ...
That Said ...
It certainly would be nice (and, 'muchly' appreciated) ...
If "FamilySearch', COULD provide, a DEFINITIVE 'Answer'; as, to WHAT constitutes, a PARTICULAR Spouse (being chosen, above OTHERS) appearing on "Discovery Page", in "Ancestors.FamilySearch" [ .org ], for an individua/person; who, has MULTIPLE Spouses.
Perhaps, then, we could 'angle things', for a particular Spouse to appear ...
But, them, that may be at the expense, of OTHER Users/Patrons, also vying, for the SAME thing ...
[ ie. You CANNOT please everybody ... ]
Just my thoughts.
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As Brett (I think) implied (I must admit to being unable to read more than a word or three of his over-punctuated style), the Discovery page only ever shows one spouse. We haven't been able to figure out how it chooses which spouse to show. It's not the "preferred" checkbox, as that's a per-user preference, and the whole point of Discovery pages is that they're fully public (no login required).
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Is your mother still living?
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Hi Amy
No my mother is deceased and so is my father and his second wife.
I would think that the first spouse would be given priority, especially showing in the time line.
My father and his second wife did not have any children together, so my thinking, is that I, as my fathers daughter, should be able to see my mother without having to click to see her. eg: under spouses and children.
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I thought it would be easy , just make the first wife the priority, especially if the couple have had children. If other people wish to see the second wife then have them click under spouses and children.
I just dismiss the discovery page and all is well, I feel that the time and effort into creating "New things" Eg: Discovery page could be better spent on other more benificial things.
But thank you any way.
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@MiriamJoyce21, I agree completely on the Discovery pages being an utter waste of time and energy. I dismiss or ignore them, except when people here in Communities ask about something.
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The Discovery pages are all imperfect. If you can find something useful there, use them. Otherwise, they're quaint and useless additions, currently wasting storage space and bandwidth.
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