How do I ask a Question?

Genealogy is really just detective work. Clues lead to more information. When asking a research question, please include as much of the following information as possible:
- Full name of the ancestor
- birth date, even if approximate, and place [as much as is known]
- residence(s) in the US or other country of immigration
- any details you have on parents, spouse, children, and where they lived
- known emigration and naturalization details
- religion
- anything else that might be helpful, like a known name change
- which records you have already searched and the results
This enables the dedicated, knowledgeable volunteers in this community to help you effectively by coming up with good research suggestions. We love helping you find ancestors!
Best Answer
no answer required
Thank you very much!
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Thank you Baerbel. It does help to have enough information available so we can assist. Its like people, who come to the Immigrant Library and ask what shelf is my family one. They have no clue that they need to do the research themselves
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Yes, we get some interesting things. My favorite is still the photograph Heidi received in the mail one day - a picture of an ancestor no doubt- no, name, place, or anything else was included. Just the photo. It's too bad our crystal ball is broken...
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Thank you for this great explanation, Baerbel! I'm going to link it to the @How to Use FamilySearch Community group so that other groups will have the benefit of your explanation.
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Sounds great! Perhaps one or two more people will actually read it there and get better help as a result. It is pretty frustrating to see how many people still post questions like: "Looking for John Meyer in Germany" or simply "John Meyer" . No kidding!
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Bärbel, could I share this in a Facebook group?
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Yes, absolutely! Feel free to post this wherever it may help.