Ireland Cavan Church records - Entry Type
I’ve asked a similar question before, but I’m still stumped (even after indexing 2500+ records). I have come across what I see as baptism records, but with a surname for the “child” that differs from both of the two people listed after (typically the parents) and then two first names with no surnames. Logically I think that these records list the sponsors after the child’s name with the parent listed by just their first names (surname assumed same as child) and then their town. Is this possible? I can’t think of any other explanation that makes sense but I don’t want to assume and waste time so any help is appreciated.
Another example would be batch [M3Z5-T88]
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We are unable to view either of these examples. If you view the reference images, when you come across similar formats, you might be able to see more to help understand what these names are. We did see this in the Project Instructions that may be able to help. We do not know if it applies in your cases since we can not see them but perhaps it may prove useful.
- Project Instructions, What to Remember about this Project, bullet point 9: "Do not index names of witnesses. Witnesses may be referred to as "Testes Adfuerunt" or as "present." "
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For some reason, I cannot open either batch. I see that this post has had 36 views and has been out here since January 20th. Perhaps no one has been able to view the batch? Have you submitted it?
In any event, I have downloaded another batch of the project. The first and second example in the project instructions shows a record where there is a child with no surname, followed by the parents names, and then the abbreviation SP (sponsors) with two names. Notice all the surnames are different on the example.
Another abbreviation might be NP (nomina patrinorum) which would also be godparents.
The field helps for the parents surnames do say:
If a surname was recorded for the child but not for the parents, index the surname of the child for both of the parents. This is an exception to the General Indexing Guidelines and should not be applied to other projects.
If this hasn't been helpful, maybe a moderator can open the link or batch code. Or perhaps, type exactly what you are seeing (or as a last resort, post a screen shot).