Temple Reservation List - add filter for Ordinance Ready names or Non-relative
Suggest this idea will help many decrease their 300+ count. Helps as we look at using family groups as well.
Having expiration dates back in force will help with this because all the 90-day ordinances will start falling off their lists automatically in 90 days and go back to the shared-with-temple lists they came from. I hope that time comes quickly. It will probably occur more quickly than the time it will take to design, test, and release a filter. At least they are easy to see since they have a clear notice on them that they cannot be re-shared with the temple:
So it is easy to see them and un-reserve them.
I'm getting the impression that a lot of people never understood the point of 90 day reservations, that they were to be taken and immediately completed.
Regarding a filter for non-relatives, I have to wonder why any such are on people's reservations lists to begin with since that is a direct violation of the temple policy we are shown every time we reserve and ordinance:
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I'd suggest that when someone uses Ordinance Ready... We want to make sure they are completed the day reserved and if not, not sitting in their reservation list (300). Too often, we get temple shared names not related from Ordinance Ready feature.
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Ordinances Ready allows 90 days to complete ordinances. (When expiration dates are in force). They have never been intended for just the day they are reserved.
Ordinances Ready really should not be an issue with taking up room on someone's reservation list. Since the very first place Ordinances Ready checks for available ordinances is on ones own reservation lists - first My Reservations then Shared-With-Temple, if someone has even just a few dozen reserved ordinances, nowhere near 300, that the person will never get anything out of Ordinances Ready that is not already on that person's reservation list.