Broad question(s) about index correction

(This touches on both Search and Indexing, but isn't actually either of those, so I'm putting it under General.)
Is there a point at which FamilySearch would consider re-doing the indexing on a set of images? How many pages or records need to be completely wrong, and do they need to be consecutive?
The question arose because of errors in the Slovakia Church Books indexes. This collection has not been included in FS's index-correction feature; users cannot fix the ubiquitous errors in it. (It's a difficult project: there are at least five languages in play.) Specifically, there are over a dozen pages in the Lutheran baptismal register from Losonc (now Lučenec) where the godparents were (mis-)indexed as the parents.
(Film 5016704 images 217 to 242 all have this problem, with eight exceptions: images 218, 222, 227, 231, 233, and 241, where the correct column was indexed, and 228 and 235, which are duplicate images and were not indexed. With roughly 18 entries per image, that's something like 320 records with completely-wrong child's surname and parents' names.)
Does the equation change due to the fact that the Slovakia Church Books indexing is an ongoing project? Can we somehow "nominate" films that need to be added back to the indexing pool to be completely re-done?