Macao Page in Research Wiki

I am a full-time Family History Support Missionary in the Oakland CA FamilySearch Library. One of our patrons is an expert on Macao, and has noticed that the current Research Wiki page for Macao is missing many resources, compared to the old Wiki page. See the attachments. I submitted this concern on the Research Wiki under "Report a Problem," but have not received any responses so far. I called the Support phone number, and they suggested I submit the concern here. We would appreciate your help restoring the Macao data. Thank you! Elder Steve Wassom
Best Answer
Thank you all for your inputs. I see now in the history that Amber Larsen made a lot of contributions, then Gary Robinson deleted a lot of content, then Amber Larsen protected it. The link to Amber gives her position at FS and her phone number; I will give her a call.
What is the URL, please? I am not finding that page, only a redirect to
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The link provided by @dontiknowyou now has a section at the bottom relating to Macau which is the first screen shot posted above. After a few clicks you can click through to a Wiki page Macau Church records
which had an edit 23 November 2021 to make the page protected, so it can only be edited by administrators. I wonder what is the background to this?
I agree that it looks as though there is less information now available about Macau/Macao but perhaps some of the previous links/URLs on the original FS Wiki page are now "dead", so it was decided to delete some of the text?
If you have tried to contact the Wiki editors with no response, perhaps there is nothing more which can be done. Perhaps @N Tychonievich could advise.
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The page revision history shows large deletions on 8 November 2021: