How are marriage certificate numbers entered on a page with two columns of records?
What is the protocol for indexing the entries on a page of marriage records with individual certificate numbers? Each page has six entries divided into two columns of three. If the indexing is done chronologically then the entries in the first column would be completed from top to bottom, ie: records #1,#2, #3, and the second column on the same page would be entered as #4, #5, #6. However if the entries are suppose to be indexed from left to right on the page then the sequence would read: #1,#3; #2,#4; #3,#6. Which is correct?
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Hello Reene. In web-indexing, the order that the records are indexed in does not matter. It only matters that all of the information is properly indexed. However, it is best to index from top to bottom and left to right as if reading a newspaper. So, you would index the first 3 records on the left page and the next three records on the right page.
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