Help Center search problem

While doing a search in the Help Center I can only view the first page of results.
When I click the arrow for the next page, I get again page 1 of different amount of numbers than in the first page of my search and also knowledge articles do not match. After that when I click the next arrow, I get the same search results every time and my search words no longer show up in the search bar.
I have tried with two different computers and with Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome.
I am just another 'lowly' User/Patron ...
Interesting ...
Although, I must admit, I had not noticed such behaviour; as I rarely (if every) go to the THIRD Page, maybe to the next (SECOND) Page; but, certainly NO further - I am not surprised though, considering the LONG History of Problems/Issues (ie. Faults / Flaws), with the "Help Centre", over these MANY Years.
But ...
That Said ...
Please be advised, that ...
What you proffer is NOT the ONLY (Recent) Problem/Issue (ie. Fault/Flaw) with the Help Centre ...
I relatively recently (22 October 2021) advised of a Problem/Issue (ie. Fault/Flaw). with regards to, the Help Centre; and, the associated Pop-Up (ie. Modal) Window, function/Facility/feature, of "See All Results", NOT populating, when being opened in NEW Tab.
(Originally ... )
Ideas (ie. 'Feedback') Section
Topic = General User Interface
Home > Ideas > General User Interface
Help Centre. Pop-Up (Modal) Window. Function: "See All Results". NOT populating opening in NEW Tab
And ...
I have confirmed, the aforementioned problem/issue (ie. fault/flaw), in THREE (x3) DIFFERENT "Browsers" ...
▬ 'Google' "Chrome"; and/or
▬ 'Mozilla' "FireFox"; and/or,
▬ 'Microsoft' "Edge",
ALL, with the "Operating System", of 'Microsoft' "Windows 10'
And, where ALL Browsers (and, "Operating System") were up-to-date with the "Latest" versions.
As an aside ...
I am hoping, by 'Tagging Along", on this post of your, that the problem/issue (ie. fault/flaw). with regards to, the, Help Centre; and, the associated Pop-Up (ie. Modal) Window, function/Facility/feature, of "See All Results", NOT populating, when being opened in NEW Tab, ... MIGHT ... get some 'Mileage'. here; because, there has certainly been, NO acknowledgement of such; nor, such being addressed/fixed, to-date.
As such ...
I am sorry, to have 'highjacked', your post, in this manner; but, the problem/issue (ie. fault/flaw). with regards to, the, Help Centre; and, the associated Pop-Up (ie. Modal) Window, function/Facility/feature, of "See All Results", NOT populating, when being opened in NEW Tab, is a REAL nuisance.
I know that this does not help/assist; but, I hope this provides added, insight; and, perspective.
[ Regarding the RECENT problems/issues (ie. faults/flaws) relating to the "Help Centre" ... ]
ps: I am surprised; as. a "Moderator" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" (Personnel) ], I would have thought, that you would have had, INTERNAL access, to MORE avenues, of REPORTING such, that we 'lowly' User/Patron, certainly do not ...
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"Community.FamilySearch" Forum
Attention: @Mark McLemore & @Caleb L
I humbly suggest, that the PREVIOUS Two (x2) 'Comments' above, NEED to be "Hive-Off"; as, a "Post" in its OWN right, under the 'Category' of "Temple".
FamilySearch Help
'Category' = Temple
For that particular matter, to be taken on, by "Moderators" [ ie. 'FamilySearch' "Support" ( Personnel ) ]; and, into the workings of 'FamilySearch' "Support".
I did "Flag", that is, "Report" (ie. the particular 'Comment'), as such; but, to-date, such has NOT yet been actioned/occurred.
And, the matter, DOES NOT yet appear, to have been resubmitted; as, suggested.
'Thank You' in advance.
Submitted for your immediate, information; attention; and, consideration.
Kind Regards.
Yours Faithfully,
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@Heidi Kuosmanen - thanks for reporting the issue, and @Brett . thanks for at mentioning me.
@Heidi Kuosmanen - I've reported this issue to our engineering team. If you run into issues in the future, feel free to reach out to your missionary leader. They are familiar with the process of reporting issues to engineering.
@Brett . - I believe this was reported previously, but reported it again just to be sure and will reach out to the product manager for review.